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December 26, 2023 * Sacred Connection

Updated: Dec 29, 2023

Star Notes * Full Moon in Cancer

Dear Star Tribe,  ✨

Warm greetings! I invite you to get comfortable, take some nice deep breaths and enjoy this short reflection on the gentle, mystically infused energies flowing in this Full Moon in Cancer, exact at 7:33 pm on December 26th. This Full Moon is about feeling cozy, comfortable, safe and loved. Thank you for joining me!

When we surrender to the soothing vibrations of Cancer, the universal Mother that lives in the heart of all beings, we can embrace and allow more rest, relaxation, warmth and tender connection with our soul tribe.

The Full Moon in Cancer opposite the Sun in Capricorn generates an impulse to create strong energetic boundaries, structures and support systems that help to nurture and sustain us through the cold winter months, here in the northern hemisphere.

The Sun’s entry into Capricorn marks the winter solstice and also the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere. This natural connection between Capricorn and Cancer reminds us how winter and summer are energetically woven into each other in a beautiful tapestry of cosmic harmony.

There is an abundance of earthy energy in these Full Moon skies with the Sun in Capricorn in a smooth aspect with Jupiter in grounded Taurus. There is an even greater amount of water energy with the Moon in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces in a smooth aspect with Venus in Scorpio. The gentle soothing healing magic of earth and water can feel like a much needed spa for the body, mind, heart and soul within all of us.

Mercury is still retrograde in Sagittarius and is in a close conjunction with Mars in Sagittarius around the time of this Full Moon. This can create an impulse to slow down our thinking process and give ourselves the time to more fully explore and reflect on our recent life experiences with the people we love and trust the most.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed some relaxed and peaceful holidays with the dearest members of your family and community. This Full Moon in Cancer reminds us that close family and friendships are truly sacred. It is time to tune in with the people we truly care about and who truly love us. The more we can feel and allow this sacred love to flow though us, the more we can broadcast it around the world in healing heart waves. Please join me in a group soul family hug around the planet.

These gentle yet dynamic energies will carry us into the brand new energetics of 2024. May you navigate this accelerated time of deep transformation and rebirth with a renewed sense of inner peace, love, trust, faith and flow.

There are some spots left for the Destiny Readings 2024 event on January 20 at the Tree of Life North here in Sudbury. My colleagues Sharon Alkenbrack, Joelle Nault and I are teaming up to offer you a unique combination of 3 mini-readings to help guide and inspire you in 2024. Please reach out for more info. I am available for readings by appointment, in person and online.

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Bright blessings,

Richard 💜

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