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Full Moon Eclipse in Capricorn: Transforming from the Inside Out

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

Dear friends, chers amis: sending all of you the gentlest and most loving energy you are open to receiving. ❤ Thank you for joining me in this reflection on the energies and messages connected to the Full Moon Eclipse in Capricorn. Allow yourself to relax for a few moments and enjoy this read.

I will share with you an image that came to me recently as I was meditating on the energies of Cancer and Capricorn in preparation for this post. Imagine a bathysphere or small submarine in which you are going deeper and deeper into the ocean depths, courageously exploring the mysterious sights and sounds of this dark watery universe for the first time. On the inside of the bathysphere you are operating very sophisticated and delicate technology for sensing the environment, which represents Cancer. The outside of the vessel is a very rigid hull designed to withstand the intense pressure of the water, which represents Capricorn. The dark, murky and deep waters are symbolized by Pluto, lord of the Underworld. The imagery of this particular eclipse encapsulates quite accurately one of the main themes and life lessons of 2020 for all of us. On some level of consciousness, we are all on an intense odyssey to explore, reveal and heal the dark, abused and repressed aspects of humanity.

With the Sun in Cancer and Mercury retrograde in Cancer (from June 17 to July 12), we are called to slow down our pace of life, take the time to breathe gently and come into our heart space so that we can feel and heal our personal and collective traumas. This is a 3-fold process, and we will likely experience forward and backward movement as we continue this deep dive into the inner landscape of our being. First, we need to acknowledge that the world is not what it used to be a short time ago and is never going back to the way it was. We need to accept that there is lots of chaos and a lot of limitations, illness, injustice, fear and uncertainty in the collective atmosphere. That is a gigantic and ultra important first step.

The second step involves the willingness to open our feeling centers and just feel the wild range of emotions inside our own body and soul, as well as in the outside world. The final step is the one most crucial to the speed and success of our collective evolution. It is about inviting the healing light of universal love, compassion and forgiveness to shine on all our wounds. The basic message is this: in order to transform the structures of society, we need to first heal the soul of humanity: transforming from the inside out. I wrote more on that topic in my previous post inspired by the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer of June 20th.

So many people are wondering when the intensity will end? No one can say for sure because every person in the world is contributing in some way to this global awakening. 2020 is year Zero of a brand new chapter in human history. The more consciousness, compassion and courage we can bring to the table, the more impact we can have in creating the future that we really want. Like all of you, I remember wondering at a very young age why the world was so messed up. The global evolution in consciousness that all awakened and sensitive souls have been waiting for is finally happening! The world is changing, transforming and evolving right before our eyes. Are you ready to embrace a radically new world? Most astrologers are talking about the year 2024 as an important transition period as Pluto will finish it’s transformational cycle through Capricorn and ingress into the airy sign of Aquarius. This year and the next few years are all about addressing the shadow side of Capricorn: power, authority and control within all the systems and institutions of the world that powerfully shape and condition our perception of reality: government, police and military, education and health care, to name a few. We are learning to trust our own judgment and inner wisdom instead of relying on external forces to understand who we truly are as empowered citizens of planet Earth.

This partial eclipse is the final lesson in an 18-month eclipse cycle centered on the Cancer-Capricorn axis, which is about the integration of the divine feminine/Mother archetype with the divine masculine/Father principle within the human psyche. If you have a strong Cancer and Capricorn energy in your chart, like I do, you have felt these core themes in your life the last year and a half at an even greater intensity: inner security vs. outer security, family duties vs. career ambition, emotional sensitivity vs. steely pragmatism. You see the picture. This Full Moon is asking us to bring our full awareness into the integration of these complementary energies. Every woman, man and child needs to be strong and gentle, caring and responsible. Psychologically, we are all learning to parent ourselves and rely on our own instincts to take the greatest care of our being and fulfill our life mission with as much integrity and strength as possible. We are discovering how incredibly strong, resilient and loving we can be.

In our collective journey of self-care, we must recognize that the intense emotional, mental and physical strain of the global pandemic situation has left many of us feeling exhausted and depleted. The inner child within all of us may have emotional meltdown moments and say things that simply reflect our inner pain. We need to understand and allow this expression in everyone including ourselves. Slowing down seems absolutely critical this summer and every day moving forward, in order to maximize our wellness. Long or short vacations are always healing and regenerative, but the Stars are asking us to reflect much deeper upon and revise our life routines and lifestyles so that we can live in greater harmony and alignment with our authentic values and priorities. What is sacred to you? Is it absolutely necessary to work so hard in order to afford certain luxuries or standards of living? This question actually leads to another, even more profound question: what makes some work duties more valuable than others? Isn’t it time that all service work be paid in a more just way so that we can eliminate poverty resulting from low-paying yet essential, occupations?

The astrological alignments and cycles of 2020 are profound and are mirroring the transformation of the world. As we gently explore the inner depths of our personal and collective being, there comes a point when one feels the need for more sacred solitude in order to better hear the whispers of our inner and spiritual guidance system, which is always ready to support us. In time, we will always receive some insights or a revelation about our life mission, duties, challenges and responsibilities. This connects to the Capricorn/divine masculine aspect of our psyche.

“You thought, as a child, that a mage is one who can do anything. So I thought, once. So did we all. And the truth is that as person’s real power grows and his knowledge widens, ever the way he can follow grows narrower: until at last he chooses nothing, but does only and wholly what he must do.” (Ursula K. LeGuin, quoted by astrologer Steven Forrest in The Inner sky)

I love this quote because it powerfully expresses the core purpose of Capricorn. This year, Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter have formed a very rare conjunction in the sign of Capricorn. This Full Moon eclipse is illuminating that “lone leaper in high places” in our consciousness. The world will evolve as more and more people realize what they must do and choose a public role through which they can express their inner nature, values, passions and beliefs. In one word, Capricorn is about integrity.

Here are some tips that I have recently learned that may help you visualize and connect with your authentic life mission.

“In any moment, there is always something that we are doing right. The more we cultivate the positive qualities and actions in our life, the more life is going to bring you more right things to celebrate about yourself. And then you will see more right things about others.” (Matt Kahn)

Self-love is the key to overcoming self-doubt, confusion or judgment. Also, you can discover your unique skills and qualities and gain a clearer understanding of your life purpose by learning astrology or consulting with a professional astrologer. Astrology is humanity’s DGS: Divine Guidance System.

2020 is the beginning of a vast and thorough examination and report on the progress of our civilization. We need to energize the Capricorn energy within us to express the best, most evolved, mature and conscious aspects of our being and share our unique contributions with the world, which will help to bring about the necessary changes in our collective healing and transformation. Capricorn is the Ambassador of the best qualities in the human spirit.

I feel called to share one last message in this post. Human life is transforming on so many levels and dimensions of experience: physical/biological, emotional, intellectual, societal and spiritual. One of the many important planetary cycles operating simultaneously within our solar system is often overlooked or ignored. I am referring to the cycle of Neptune through the sign of Pisces, from 2011 to 2025. Saturn cycling through Capricorn from 2018 to the end of 2020 is very significant because Saturn is the planetary ruler of Capricorn, and Jupiter and Pluto have aligned in Capricorn this year, which makes Capricorn such an important Zodiac energy at this time. However, Neptune is the ruler of Pisces and so this 14-year period is especially powerful for Neptune and Pisces, which on one end of the energetic spectrum can symbolize confusion, escapism, and feeling “at sea” in the world. The most evolved expression of Neptune in Pisces is a massive spiritual awakening and a renaissance of compassion and love for all beings in an understanding that, ultimately, we are one consciousness, coming from one Source and Universal intelligence. We live as unique beings, existing in multiple dimensions and dancing in quantum entanglement with all life. We are individuated fractals of the universe.

No matter how high you go in the cosmos or how low you go in the quantum field, our consciousness lives everywhere. We are like cosmic surfers on the ever-changing energetic waves of life, and our surfboard is made of grace.

“Grace, simply put, is embodiment of acceptance, both of your own divinity and the divine perfection of everything around you. It is embracing the flow with complete faith and trust, a beautiful and willing dance partner of a universe you know completely supports and adores you.” (Shelley Young, Trinity Esoterics).

Voilà! On a personal note, I wish to inform you all that Insight Astrology is slowly evolving into a new entity: Richard Malette Astrology. I will be birthing a new website and new Facebook page over the next few weeks! It is an exciting change many years in the making. I look forward to this new growth and to joyfully serve in a greater capacity. Full Moon blessings to all! ❤



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