Dear star friends, Bonjour chères amies,
Welcome to the rejuvenating power of spring! When the Sun enters the dynamic and fiery sign of Aries, on March 20th, it always coincides with a massive shift in the collective energies. It can feel like we are on a roller-coaster ride of emotions and experiencing a kaleidoscope of changing energy levels day-to-day. Hang on and breathe deeply, dear friends! Thank you for joining me on this exploration of the cosmic weather report that will focus on the Full Supermoon, exact on Sunday, March 28th, 2:48 pm EDT. This Full Moon sky features a super close conjunction of the Sun, Chiron and Venus in Aries, in opposition to the Moon in Libra. Let’s dive in.

A day after the spring equinox, I went for a long, slow walk in the forest, soaking in the warm sunshine, admiring the evergreens, and grounding with the lovely new bright green moss. Depending on where you live, you are also seeing the first flowers spring up from the Earth and initiate a new cycle of life and beauty in the outside world and within our inner landscapes. It is time to absorb the life-force of the Earth and feel alive again. I channeled a big part of this post on that sunny afternoon in the forest.
Aries represents the Warrior, Leader and Champion inside us that is asking to do some physical and primal activities that gets our blood pumping and kundalini circulating throughout our entire system to make us feel strong in our body. For some people, it is running, yoga or martial arts, while for others, it is a deep and thorough spring cleaning! Get into it and try to put some heart and passion into everything you do.
Aries season sparks a new fire within our spirit that is meant to inspire us with renewed strength, courage and confidence to march forward on our life journey. Inevitably, we will encounter some obstacles on our path, which often trigger some fear and trepidation. Since the onset of the pandemic, fear is rampant in the collective consciousness, and yet, fear can be a powerful teacher. Fear and courage are two sides of the same coin. Life is pushing us to see and feel deeper into our fears. Instead of running away from them, we can endeavour to understand them better and develop a friendship with these emotions. One of the gifts of fear is that it helps us to better see where in our lives we need to channel more love and a deeper trust that we can manifest any tool or ressource necessary to navigate through life. This Full Moon chart is inviting us to take some time and get clear on those parts of us that need a stronger dose of loving support. I invite you to write them down if they come up as you read this post.
As the Leader of the Zodiac, Aries symbolises courage and leadership. The other day, I was guided to pick the Tiger oracle card and I found its message to be an excellent expression of this leader quality in the Ram. “Being an effective and compassionate leader requires that you know the art of balancing yin and yang - discerning when to advance and when to yield - and pay attention to the subtleties and the flow of the group process, while simultaneously staying attuned to your own intuitive voice.” (Steven D. Farmer Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guides).
The Full Moon in Libra illuminates the fact that our actions are never done alone or separate from the actions of others. Libra is the sign of balance, relationship, connection and harmony. This part of our psyche understands that our life is always in a dance with everyone and everything thing outside us. We live in a gigantic interconnected energy field. Libra, always opposite Aries in the Zodiac, reminds us that we continually exist in partnership with other people, other life forms and our home planet. How can we create stronger connections, more conscious partnerships and healthier relationships that are built on mutual respect, support and love?
At the time of the Full Moon, the Sun will be very closely aligned with Chiron, the inner Healer, Shaman and Wise One. Chiron is actually a very complex archetype that weaves many threads of meaning. The energy of wounding triggers a healing instinct. With Chiron in Aries from 2018 to 2026, we are all called to understand the ways in which our inner Warrior has felt wounded, and initiate any healing work that can support us in rebuilding our inner strength and confidence. On a personal level, I am really feeling this with my Venus and Chiron both in the early degrees of Aries. I have been doing a lot of healing work lately and sometimes feel like a boxer who has stayed in the ring for too long! Can we ring the bell please? On some level, Chiron teaches us to cultivate more compassion and acceptance of life itself as a healing journey.
This weekend, our healing journey brings us to Venus, the cosmic Lover, Artist and Peacemaker, who is also conjunct the Sun and Chiron. Contrary to popular belief, everyone has an inner Artist because Venus shines in everyone’s birthchart! Look to your Venus placement for clues on how you naturally express your inner Artist. It could be though your choice of words, your emotional expression, the way you smile, walk, or a million other things. Recently, a dear friend created a fantastic painting for me and I am very grateful for this new Venusian expression. It is time for our inner Venus to express a greater love and artistry as we give birth to a new Earth and a new humanity.
Chiron and Venus in Aries are asking us to initiate some healing regarding our relationship to self. How deeply can we love ourselves, wounds and all? I find healing affirmations very useful. Here are a few: “I am open to love. I love and accept myself completely. I allow myself to be a Warrior of love. I express my love fearlessly”. We are all worthy to feel the vibration of love because the ultimate truth is that we are love and live in a loving universe. Venus has been dancing with the Sun all month long, gifting us with a precious opportunity to harmonize with her loving frequencies, especially since the New Moon in Pisces two weeks ago.
I feel that the Sun conjunct Venus and Chiron in Aries is about channeling the self-love and courage to be here, and honour our place in the world at this time. We are here to fulfil a unique purpose and mission. The Aries part of our circuitry desires to assert our true nature, and feel strong, safe and confident within our own energy system. No matter what is going on outside us, we are the Leaders of our inner world. What frequency do you want to vibrate? With a brave heart, we are invited to create the strongest and healthiest inner vibration possible and radiate that to our family, soul tribe and world community.
The very first and primordial relationship we always have is with our own self. We are in charge of our personal life journey and the Captain of our life experiences. Through Aries, we can increase our self-love by stoking our inner fire. Life has been very tough for over a year now. We are called to activate a new healing power by planting seeds of love deep inside our heart and feeling them bloom. As we blossom on the inside, we can better appreciate the unique and amazing wild flowers that are blossoming within others. On some level of consciousness, we are strong warriors of love and it is time for us to rise and express this fierce love through all our relations.
This Full Moon has many blessings! It can gift us with even more gratitude for all our wonderful relationships. It can also inspire us to express the youthful spark of our inner Child in so many ways. Let’s remember to play, dance, write, redecorate, draw, paint, play some music, make a video, build or design something that makes our heart sing! This is the healing power of self-love through creative expression.
If you are connecting with this message and would love to learn more about these living archetypes within your being, I invite you to contact me for an astrological reading of your birthchart. Your chart is a divine guidance system that is designed to help you reconnect with all the aspects of your true essence and orient you on your authentic life path.
My Level 1 Astrology course -Journey of Discovery and Empowerment- begins online on May 4th, and my brand new Level 3 Astrology Group Coaching/Mentoring Program starts on April 12th. Please contact me for all the details.
Radiant Full Moon blessings,
Richard 🙏