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Full Moon in Virgo: Spiritual Healing

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

Warm greetings, beautiful souls! Salutations chaleureuses!

A few days ago, someone asked me when I was going to write a new, inspired message. I certainly hope that all my posts are inspiring, but I feel particularly guided and inspired this time! I invite you to sit comfortably, take some nice deep breaths and enjoy this reflection on the Full Moon in Virgo, which is exact at 3:17 am Eastern Time, Saturday February 27th. We will feel the magic of this Moon all day, all night and all weekend. May Luna soothe, nurture and heal you in the most beautiful ways. Thank you for joining me.

Since February 18th, the Sun has plunged into the dreamy waters of Pisces and has infused some gentler, relaxed energies into the collective atmosphere, which is exactly what we all need! Until the spring equinox, it is time now to slow down energetically, unwind, give ourselves some much needed rest, and soak in a lake, ocean, warm bath or sauna as much as you want. Pisces energy is all about relaxation, contemplation, dreaming, and any activity that helps us to expand our awareness beyond the mundane to reconnect with our cosmic, spiritual essence.

Recently, I enjoyed watching the fantastic animated film: “The Wind Rises”, by Hayao Miyazaki, which beautifully captures the life story of a famous Japanese aircraft engineer just before WW2. One of the characters says: “Airplanes are beautiful dreams. Engineers turn dreams into reality.” To me, that message resonates so much with the current astrological times we are in, especially the Aquarius - Taurus dynamic of 2021, and all this Pisces energy. We are in the process of dreaming the design and architecture of a new world, which will inspire the actual physical creation and manifestation or our most cherished dreams. “A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.” (John Lennon) I love the powerful wisdom in that quote and only recently discovered it. May we dream some new dreams together and make them real.

The Full Moon in Virgo is always in opposition to the Sun in Pisces. “This axis helps us build a bridge between our mundane world and the magical alchemy that occurs when we imbue our physical body and environment with our higher intention and awareness.” (Leslie Benson, Astrograph Horoscopes). Let’s decode some of the mysteries of this lunation by revealing some potential challenges and then illuminating the spiritual healing power of this Full Moon. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, just like Gemini. One of the shadows to be aware of is the unconscious Virgoan tendency to be sharply critical of ourselves and others for not achieving a certain ideal of perfection. This is a very ancient habit pattern imprinted deeply in our collective psyche, yet it is very possible to change. “The next time you identify something you feel is less than ideal in your life, rather than berating yourself or wrestling with it, why not connect with that aspect of self and ask it what it needs? What did it need before that it never got but you can give it today? How can you love and shepherd those aspects forward with your love, acceptance and guidance?” (Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young, of Trinity Esoterics.)

Self-doubt is another challenge to our mental health and well-being; however, it is a blessing in disguise. “Doubt is an invitation to use discernment, an opportunity to connect with your own wise one and discover your own truth. Get curious about what you are doubtful about and why that is. Doubt can be a wonderful reevaluation tool that helps you discover your energetic clarity on any topic or situation. It can also be an indicator of unhealed or frightened parts of yourself that need your love and attention in order to feel secure enough to move forward on the next exciting leg of your journey.” (Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young)

Virgo represents the part of us that is wired to be of service to others and fulfill a helpful role in our community. With so many planets in Aquarius in 2021, we are called to revamp and reinvent some of our service roles, and help others in empowered and empowering ways that reflect our authentic skills and values. The increased Pisces energy can assist us in simply holding space for people with peaceful presence and compassion, allowing others to discover their own path. In order to build that bridge between the physical and mystical worlds, we need to remember that part of our service is allowing others the joy of serving us!

By consciously integrating Virgo and Pisces in our psyche, we can better harmonize our human self with our luminous self and anchor the 5D experience in the body. Just like we have a continuous flow of breathing in and breathing out, we experience moments when our physical self is more important, and we also naturally flow into moments that feel much more spiritual. Life is a multi-dimensional flowing dance! We are living in a time when it is even more important than ever to invite Source, Goddess, God, Angels and Sages into our daily lives and foster greater spiritual healing for all of humanity. Physical exercice, intellectual stimulation, emotional intelligence, and spiritual practice are all necessary components of a healthy, holistic and integrated human experience.

Virgo is a master Healer energy. A new insight that came to me regarding the high medicine of Virgo is the crystal clear purity of this sign. Virgo is the cosmic Virgin, which is not easy to understand at first, until we can appreciate the part of our psyche that always reflects a pure and divine essence, like a perfectly polished clear crystal. Under the mystical light of this Full Moon, you can visualize this beautiful crystal and bathe in its luminous perfection. Virgo can be seen as the crystalline manifestation of the Pisces principle. Speaking of crystals, this is the perfect energy to cleanse, purify and charge up all your crystals! Virgo Moon is the cosmic healing goddess that blesses everything in the purest light you can imagine!

Every month, the HearthMath Institute, through the Global Coherence Initiative, organizes a Full Moon Synchronized Care Focus, where people around the globe come together to radiate heart-centred love to each other and to the world. I think this is a fantastic initiative and I invite you to join in and spread the Love! “Radiating love and compassion helps to bring coherence into the mind and emotions, which increases access to our heart’s intuitive guidance and directions. This supports our ability to manage the elevated planetary stress with less anxiety and more balanced and effective choices.” (Global Coherence Initiative, February newsletter)

In my previous post, I described the fierce windstorm power of Aquarius. The defining astrological signature of 2021 involves Saturn in Aquarius forming a square aspect to Uranus in Taurus. This is the push and pull of growth resulting from the tension of divergent forces. We will continue to discover new threads of meaning in this grand tapestry of energy, but one message I had to share was all over social media the last few weeks: “When love is deeply rooted, there is no reason to fear the wind.” The more we stay grounded and lovingly connect to the Earth (Taurus), the easier it will be to surrender to the winds of change, and flow with the currents of human progress (Aquarius). It is fun to observe the amazing synchronicities between the astrological energies and life events unfolding around us: as Above, so Below. For those of you who understand the cosmic weather, I invite you to share your observations. I always love to hear from you.

In this Full Moon chart, the Sun will be in a loose conjunction with Venus in Pisces, which adds an extra layer of grace and compassion in our social encounters and artistic activities. I just re-arranged some items in my office and home space and I feel an improved Feng Shui already. May you feel inspired and guided to make any changes that will free the flow of energy in your home and heart-space.

If you live in the Greater Sudbury area, I am teaming up with Sharon Alkenbrack and Michelle Laferriere on Saturday March 6th, to offer you a unique 3-reading experience called Destiny Readings 2021, to help you navigate the energies of 2021 with greater clarity and confidence. I am also starting to plan my yearly 8-week Level 1 Astrology Course, which will start in May, online and in-person. Contact me to register for any of these events. I am also cooking up a new offering for my Patreon community and newsletter subscribers. Stay tuned!

Galaxy of Love,

Richard 💜

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