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Full SuperMoon in Aquarius: Shine Your Wild Light

Star Notes * August 1, 2023

Bright greetings, Star Tribe,

Welcome to the super charged Full SuperMoon in Aquarius, exact at 2:32 pm, on Tuesday August 1st. Thank you so much for joining me as we explore the unique and wild light of this 2nd Full Supermoon in a sequence of 4.

In my view, the Full Moon in Aquarius always represents the crescendo of the summer season, when the Moon reflects the Sun’s full luminosity in Leo, the sign ruled by the Sun. This Supermoon has an even stronger effect because it is very close to the Earth and will appear brighter as well.

Leo is a warm, radiant, fun-loving, playful and noble energy that connects to the heart, while Aquarius is a cool, intellectual, detached, independent sign that connects to the mind. This Full Moon is designed to unite our head with our heart and more deeply understand that the intelligent expression of love is the most powerful transformational force in the universe.

This Supermoon will broadcast a very unique and brilliant Aquarian moonlight. For some people, working with light is their greatest purpose and joy. If you identify as a lightworker, “your path, your way, your job, if you like, can be to generate, create and experience light on the planet.” ~Lee Harris. Revel in this particularly magical light! May this Full Moon inspire all of us to see life in the expanded light of love.

Aquarius represents the Genius and the cosmic Rebel of the Zodiac. The Water Bearer is the futuristic sign of universal brotherhood and symbolises the flow of ideas and gifts for humanity with the ability to tune into the universal mind and think outside the box. Those with Aquarius prominent in their birth chart are unique thinkers, mentally agile, sometimes brilliant, often eccentric, and occasionally erratic.

As the archetypal Genius, Aquarius brings new light, higher perspectives of understanding, new knowledge and new insights that bring new clarity into any situation. As the Rebel and Revolutionary, Aquarius reminds us that it is perfectly natural to see and do things differently from others. It is absolutely ok and necessary to express our unique individual talents and qualities, and trust our intuitive intelligence no matter the outcome or what conventional thinking dictates. This Aquarius Supermoon reminds us to walk on the wild side and shine our wild inner light with confidence.

What do Lou Reed, Neil Young, Bob Marley, Janice Joplin, John Lennon and Yoko Ono all have in common? You guessed it: they all have Aquarius prominent in their birth charts and are legendary rebels, revolutionaries, and outsiders. But we all have Aquarius somewhere in our chart. Where does 9 degrees of Aqua fall in yours? This degree lights up my 1st house and I am feeling it!

In preparation for this post, I enjoyed a fantastic hike that inspired me to explore a new path and discover a brand-new favourite spot in the forest. I feasted on wild blueberries, enjoyed warm sunlight and the presence and lovely birdsong of chickadees. Where does your soul call you to march to the beat of your unique drum?

One of the most fascinating aspects of Aquarius is the fact that it celebrates the importance of individuality but also understands the importance of belonging and consciously participating in various communities. We can belong to larger communities that share common values and needs, and also connect powerfully with smaller groups that share similar passions.

In this Full Moon chart, Jupiter in Taurus is forming a wide square aspect to the Sun in Leo and Moon in Aquarius. Jupiter always increases and magnifies whatever it comes into alignment with. In this case, Jupiter may highlight more independent commerce of natural products and services (Taurus) that celebrate the unique (Aquarius) creative expression (Leo) of people within a group, network or social circle (Aquarius). I am seeing this more and more within my own circle and it is wonderful. We are literally building new communities, weaving new webs of interconnection, creativity and knowledge every day.

This Full SuperMoon reminds us to trust that everyone has a unique, valuable and necessary contribution to the whole, because every human being is amazing in their wonderful and unique ways. Express every part of you and all the colours in your energetic field. “Other colours and shades create contrast and depth and add to the beauty of the whole. As you accept all the aspects of you you realize they all lend themselves to the unfoldment and discovery of the beauty of the whole that is you.” ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

I want to give a special shout out to all of my friends and Patrons in my Patreon community! Your support really helps! Also sending a galaxy of gratitude to all of you who take the time to read, comment or share my Star Notes! Merci infiniment!

In celebration of this SuperMoon, I am offering 20% off the purchase of any astrological consult with me until the Lion’s Gate portal of August 8th. You can book the reading anytime in August as I now have lots of availability. Looking forward to the joy and honor of co-creating the best reading with you! Check out all the options described in my website.

Bright and wild blessings,

Richard 🌟

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