STAR NOTES 🌟 October 17, 2024
Star friends, Bonjour! ✨
Welcome to the bold radiance of this Aries Full Moon, the closest supermoon of the year, exact at 7:26 am EDT on October 17. Thank you for joining me. We are still in the throes of eclipse season and feeling the effects of enormous solar flares plus a very strong Plutonian energy since Pluto just stationed to direct motion on October 11, which magnifies its energy for many days. There is a lot going on! Take some slow and gentle breaths as you read this post.

This Full Supermoon features a very dynamic and powerful grand cross aspect pattern involving Mars and Pluto. There could be surprising twists and turns but it can also feel exhilarating and empowering. At the collective 3D level, we are likely to see more chaos and intense actions related to power, control and sovereignty. However, on a personal level, this supercharged Aries Moon invites us to embody our personal power with a strong focus to tackle important projects and goals.
Since 2008, Pluto has revealed the shadow side of Capricorn control and authoritarian, top-down, patriarchal systems of power. Now that Pluto resumes forward motion, it will finally end its passage through Capricorn in mid-November and flow into Aquarius for the next 20 years! We are witnessing the last gasp of ancient power dynamics. As Pluto crosses this 29º degree called the anoretic degree, it feels like that last step of an epic journey to reach the top of a mountain, a radical intensification of deep Plutonian energy. We are on the cusp of momentous changes over the next couple of years as Pluto, Uranus and Neptune all change signs in 2025 and 2026.
This Full Moon is exactly conjunct Eris and closely aligned with Chiron in Aries. The mythological warrior goddess Eris, sister of Mars, can stimulate the part of us that stands up for oneself and against any injustice and oppression. Eris fearlessly speaks truth to power and channels a primal rage, a raw instinctive power that rises up to help those who don’t feel heard. This process calls us to express the totality of our beingness. “You can't be hesitant about who you are. All of who you are is who you are.” Viola Davis
The strong presence of Chiron in Aries is activating our personal and collective healing journey of awakening to a higher level of personal empowerment that benefits everyone. As we face our fears and take new steps on our heroic journey it is also necessary to regularly practice the divine combination of surrender, faith, trust and flow. “More and more you will remember to redirect yourselves from engaging with the energy of problems or blockages into simply surrendering into your highest solutions, which is making the profound shift from victim consciousness into authentic power. There is so much more purpose and meaning to the things you experience in your lives than you realize. So trust. There is divine co-creation going on all the time. Your soul knows exactly what it is doing, as a willing partner in the beautiful dance of evolution you are in.” ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Aries the Ram is the first sign of the Zodiac and represents the primal life force that flows within all of us as brave leaders, pioneers of New Earth and spiritual warriors. Let’s embrace this supermoon to invigorate our personal life, relationships and service work, and express our authentic self through bold and confident actions that feel right in the body, also trusting any strong and unexpected energy currents that come our way. We are seeding a new frequency in the collective energy field of humanity and for our home planet. It’s essential to find a balance between the boldness Aries demands and the grace Libra offers. “Courage is grace under pressure.” Ernest Hemingway
The sacred fire of Aries opens up new pathways of experience when we speak openly and honestly with others and ourselves. Cultivating the courage to be honest when we connect with others and receive other people's honesty can awaken some new truths that are now ready to be shared or acted upon. “And if you're on the receiving end of some honesty, can you grow in a new way to just hear it and receive it without needing to fight it, question it, worry about it, or get triggered by it?” ~Lee Harris. Although we may fear honesty, it can be the most magnificent transformative agent
There are some release valves in this celestial circuitry. The Sun in Libra smoothly connects (trine) with Jupiter retrograde in Gemini, which reminds us to slow down, breathe fresh air regularly, and review our thought patterns as well as our belief systems. Let’s take some time to feel into our highest truth, while allowing another higher truth to come into our awareness. Deep realizations and mental clarity always happen when we are quiet and reflective. In these times of reflection, we can also visualize multiple timelines and manifesting possibilities. Higher timelines are increasing the more we allow ourselves to make different choices in the way we think, act, breathe, eat and live.
I am delighted to be one of the practitioners in the Self Love Event happening in Sudbury at the beautiful Tree of Life North, on Sunday, October 20. Receive some healing Reiki + a Foot Reflexology massage + a personal astrology reading with a focus on enhancing self love! Contact me or visit the event page on FB for more details.
Please reach out anytime to book a Birthchart, Forecast or Relationship reading.
Warm Full Moon blessings,
Richard ✨ ♈️ ✨