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Healing Human Sovereignty

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

Dear friends, chers amis: sending all of you a gentle wave of pure love and gratitude for this connection. I am particularly delighted to share this post because it includes some exciting announcements, as well as my reflections on the astrology of September 2020. Get comfortable and enjoy this read!

First of all, I am very proud to officially announce the birth of my new website: I invite all of you to visit this page, explore all of my offerings, and receive a free gift when you subscribe to my updated newsletter. The gift is a brand new document that I wrote called The 12 Universal Teachings of Astrology. I trust you will enjoy it. I had been contemplating the idea of creating a website devoted to my astrology practice for a number of years, but the transformative energies of this year inspired me to more passionately realize this dream. I want to give a galactic shout out to my friend Amy Commanda who greatly assisted me in this creative adventure. She offered brilliant inspiration, coaching, technical wizardry and unconditional support. I wrote the content while she built the website and redesigned the logo, business cards and so much more. She believed in me and cheered me on when I got stuck in various parts of the journey. Chi miigwetch, Amy! Also sending a cosmic shout out also to Haven Julienne Photography for helping me to shine with fantastic photographs. I have learned so many valuable life lessons this year, and one of them is that the key to success is to connect and collaborate with a great team of people who share your vision and values.

Now, let’s explore the essential astrological messages within the planetary rhythms of early September. I would like to begin by sharing some insights regarding the rather intense energies of the Full Moon in Pisces of September 1st/2nd. I heard from many health care professionals that our local hospital was inundated with many people needing treatment for severe trauma or overdose. I remember hearing many emergency vehicle sirens over the few days leading up to the Full Moon. On a personal level, I also remember feeling very tired and depleted. The Moon in Pisces is the dreamiest, most yin and sensitive of all the lunation cycles. Every New and Full Moon offer us many gifts that we can learn to appreciate, but they can also create challenging emotional reactions that erupt from the unconscious and could wreak havoc on our mental and physical health if we are not grounded.

The Full Moon in Pisces is always opposite the Sun in Virgo. This specific combination represents the maximum stretch of human consciousness. Let me explain. When the Sun passes through Virgo every year from August 22nd to September 22nd, there is always a huge collective shift to earthy and practical autumn activities such as: harvesting, canning, preserving as well as a lot of organizing, thinking and planning. This period also coincides with the frantic preparations related to “back to school” and the transition back to employment after summer vacations. It is naturally a very busy and highly energetic time. Ideally, Virgo season inspires us to focus on improving our well being by establishing healthy routines and mapping out an optimum regime for our work, family and community needs. However, for a large number of sensitive people, the great increase in all this mental and physical energy can overload the nervous system, which is already quite stressed from all the anxiety, fears and changes brought on by the coronavirus. In my next post, I will focus more on the magic of Virgo and the New Moon on September 17th.

I mentioned how Pisces is a highly sensitive water sign like Cancer and Scorpio. One of the unique features of Pisces is the fact that it is the last sign of the Zodiac cycle. The symbolism of Pisces includes two Fishes: one swimming downwards toward the physical realms and the other swimming up towards the celestial realms. While Virgo stimulates the logical mind and is ruled by Mercury, the “mercurial” Messenger of the gods, Pisces activates the right hemisphere of the brain and the intuitive, imaginative, feeling intelligence of the human heart. The Fishes represent a dimension of experience that is ruled by Neptune, god of the vast seas of consciousness. To me, Pisces is the part of us that remembers we are stellar, luminous and spiritual beings evolving through human experience. Pisces teaches us that on the greatest level of all, we are a unified, interconnected, universal family. Because so many people have lost this spiritual understanding, they can feel at sea in the physical world and seek to numb themselves or quickly escape into a non-physical state of reality created by mind-altering substances. Humanity is in such deep pain on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. I believe that the purpose of the Full Moon in Pisces is to remind us that human reality encompasses a grounded, physical connection to Earth as well as a cosmic and spiritual consciousness. I think that the more we can embrace and cultivate this truly holistic understanding, the more we will be able to heal our collective human soul.

Let’s continue our exploration of the astrological skies of early September by journeying to Mars, the cosmic Leader and Warrior within all of us. If you haven’t already, I invite all of you to look at the Moon rising in the late evening. Over the last few days, Luna has been hanging out very closely with Mars. Have you observed the clear reddish hues of Mars sharing the sky with the Moon? You are witnessing what is called a conjunction or fusion between these 2 celestial objects. You can feel the cosmic energy on a visceral level. The universe is calling us to anchor the Mars vibration deeper into our emotional body in the second half of 2020. Humanity needs to embody the spiritual courage and strength of the Inner Warrior to a much stronger degree in order to pioneer a new consciousness on this planet that will inspire the transition into a new age. This transition will last a number of years, but the energies of 2020 signal the beginning, the seed moment, the pure, raw and primal thrust into a new era of unchartered possibilities. Every birth is a brave act of will to create something new. We are learning to be the midwives of our own evolution and trust that, together, we can do anything we need to do!

Mars will station and begin retrograde motion on September 9th, at 28 degrees of Aries. When a planet stations, it appears to virtually stop its movement in space. This has the effect of increasing or intensifying its energy in the few days around this time. Mars retrograde signals a shift in its energetic expression and is felt stronger as inner, private power more than outer, public power. As Mars becomes more of a psychological drive instead of a public drive, it may slow down some of the intense anger and angst in the world. In my chart, this degree connects to my Moon, I am feeling the cosmic Warrior a lot these days and I am very grateful because I really need to feel this extra sense of courage, vitality and strength to create a lot of new energy in my life. Where in your life could you feel a boost of your Inner Warrior/Leader? Mars will resume direct motion on November 13th and will stay in Aries until January. This is a very rare and powerful passage of Mars through Aries.

Mars formed a tense square aspect with Venus in gentle Cancer at the time of the Full Moon, which may have exasperated the up-down, yin-yang roller coaster ride of late. Even more importantly, Mars in Aries has formed a tense square to Saturn in Capricorn that began in August and will continue until January. This is a tremendously powerful aspect. The spirited and rambunctious youth that has been suppressed inside the human psyche for a long time is seriously clashing with the older, established structures and systems of authority. In late August, a group of young protesters toppled a statue of Sir John A. Macdonald in Montréal. I don’t know how you feel about that, but that event represents an incredibly clear and powerful symbolism of this cosmic tension. Something had to give. My friend and colleague Lara Newell-Barrett reminded me of this fantastic and very apt quote by Carl Jung.

“In all chaos, there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.”

In times of chaos, we can always trust and find solace in the wisdom of the Stars.

Many of you tell me that you enjoy the inspirational quotes included in my posts. This one beautifully captures the earthy wisdom of Virgo in helping us to “separate the wheat from the chaff”. “What is taking space in your life that you could let go of? Worry? Doubt? Letting go of all the energy that doesn’t honor you or is simply there by habit creates space for the new to come in. What can you give up to make room for miracles?” Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young of Trinity Esoterics

In conclusion, I offer you this powerfully inspiring passage from The Coronation, an essay by Charles Eisenstein. “Novel coronavirus pandemic” means a “new coronation for all”. “A true sovereign does not run in fear from life or from death. A true sovereign does not dominate and conquer. The true sovereign serves the people, serves life, and respects the sovereignty of all people. The coronation marks the emergence of the unconscious into consciousness, the crystallization of chaos into order, the transcendence of compulsion into choice. The New World Order that the conspiracy theorists fear is a shadow of the glorious possibility available to sovereign beings. No longer the vassals of fear, we can bring order to the kingdom and build an intentional society on the love already shining through the cracks of the world of separation.”

Voilà! Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas on any of these messages. I always welcome and enjoy thoughtful discussion.

I am thrilled to offer my most popular workshop for those who would like a live, in-person experience and for those who prefer the easy Zoom experience. This 3-hour workshop offers a solid foundation of practical knowledge in the magic of Evolutionary Astrology. I will create a new event page shortly.

Introduction to Evolutionary Astrology September 27th: live at The Tree of Life North in Sudbury 1-4 pm September 28th: on Zoom, 6-9 pm

I am also happy to announce the launch of my new 8-week class: Evolutionary Astrology: Level 2, Journey of Life & Life. On Zoom, beginning Tuesday, October 13th

Make sure to register early, as there is a maximum of 8 people per session.

Please contact me to reserve your spot! Richard Malette Astrology: 705.918.4441 Facebook: Richard Malette Astrology

Warm September Blessings, Richard



©2021 Richard Malette Astrology. All Rights Reserved.

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