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New Moon in Aquarius ♒️ Rise In your Truth

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

STAR 🌟 NOTES : January 29, 2025

Dear Star Friends,  Bonjour!

Welcome to the stimulating Air magic of this New Moon in Aquarius, our first New Moon of the year, exact on January 29, 7:35 am ET, at 10º of Aquarius. The Moon will conjoin the Sun, which has been shining in Aquarius since January 19th. Have you felt a quickening and rising of energy since then? Normally, the energetics of January reflect the slow, quiet and inner focused vibes of Capricorn until the Sun shifts into Aquarius, and we start to feel more alive, desiring to connect with the world around us. Thank you so much for joining me and connecting in this celestially based community. Big hug to everyone!

This super dynamic New Moon features 4 planets all in the sign of the Water Bearer: Sun, Moon, Mercury and Pluto. So what is Aquarius all about? Energetically and elementally, Aquarius stimulates the Air element, which resonates with the sky and celestial realms. The Air magic of Aquarius circulates information and knowledge from the cosmic mind into the collective psyche, and boosts our capacity to think and express our personal truth, unique perspectives and understanding of anything and everything. As the Truth Sayer, Revolutionary and Genius of the Zodiac, Aquarius awakens a desire to be and express who we really are and what we truly think in any situation.

For the next 4 weeks of this Aquarian lunar cycle, we can feel invigorated by a new impulse designed to awaken us from the slumber of early winter and smell the cosmic coffee of a new year, new life and new possibilities. For us in the Northern Hemisphere, as the Sun rises a little higher in the sky each day, it reminds us to let our inner light shine brighter and more vigorously every day. It is time for new adventures and experiences that feel exciting and stimulate the electricity of the life force within all of us. “The more you understand who you are and are willing to stay true to that, the easier and more fruitful the ride will be.” ~Lee Harris Energy

Aquarius is fascinating because on the one hand, it celebrates the process of individuation, but it also stimulates the sharing of authentic ideas and beliefs that brings people together to foster a greater feeling of community and humanity.

Mercury, the speedy planet of communication and transportation just entered Aquarius a couple of days ago and immediately formed a conjunction with  Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius. This synergy or cosmic conference between Mercury and Pluto, lord of depth, death and transformation is igniting a deeper and more passionate communication in global relations as well as in our own minds. This is a very strong and potentially volatile, surprising and unpredictable energy flow that requires us to maintain healthy energetic boundaries as necessary. This New Moon can inspire us to become more conscious of our thought patterns and redirect our thinking and believing to what we want to feel and create in life. The more we personally express our highest and happiest truth, the more it ripples out to co-create a higher and happier global frequency.

When I think of Aquarius and its planetary ruler Uranus, I often see strong flashes of lightning. Lightning storms can be felt as destructive but they are natural forces that have an intelligence and a constructive purpose to clear old energy. Over the next few days and weeks, allow this mental lightning to help you break free from old patterns, heal and clear space in your energy field for innovative thinking and living life differently, from a space of inner strength and sovereignty. Spiritually speaking, the new energy of 2025 is about reclaiming an inner fire that was repressed and suppressed for lifetimes. Many of us have been conditioned to fear power and anger, but anger does not have to be used aggressively; it can be a great ally and protector in our life. Here is a great quote that speaks to the importance of this understanding. “We are more compliant when we are detached from our fire, so the return of your inner fire is necessary for these times.” ~ Lee Harris. May we all allow ourselves to more boldly express the healing magic of our inner fire and soul lightning in 2025!

Aquarius is vibrationally connected to the planet Uranus, which goes stationary direct just one day after the New Moon. Uranus will stop its retrograde phase and slowly resume direct motion again for many months in 2025. When Uranus becomes stationary in either direction, it resonates more powerfully its themes of change, freedom, innovation, independence, revolution and powerful breakthroughs. This energy of fire and lightning can be dangerous, surprising and unpredictable, but also dazzling, wonderful and magical. Uranus is changing signs this summer for the first time in 7 years; it will shift out of Taurus and begin to stimulate the sign of Gemini for the next 7 years, starting this July. 2025 is a year of massive change on many levels, but we are here and ready for it. When challenging experiences do happen in the world, let’s remember to stay calm, centred, and rooted in the truth that situations can also change again very quickly, and move in a new direction. Reality is becoming much more fluid, changeable and multidimensional than every before.

There is also a lot of Pisces energy in the cosmic currents flowing at this time: the North Node of the Moon just shifted into Pisces in the last few days. The Lunar North Node is a very important symbol in astrology because it orients us to our personal and collective future evolutionary growth. It has a cycle of 18 months. For the last year and a half, it was in Aries orienting us to show up with more fire and leadership of our own lives. This fire energy is still strong in 2025, but because our growth is now is the sign of Pisces for the next 18 months, it will be important to move forward on our path more intuitively with more compassion, grace and unconditional love in every step. Neptune and Venus are also swimming in the deep waters of Pisces very closely with the North Node at this time, which anchors the need for more love and supports a heart-based instinct to want to come closer together in supportive communities and as a global family. Can you send love to everyone including people that have different political, spiritual or philosophical views? Let’s send love to the whole planet Earth, Gaia and all life in this magnificent world.

This strong blend of Air and Water magic naturally inspires invigorating visions of water, wind, waves and the wisdom of these elements. Here is a wonderful quote on wisdom. “Wisdom is waiting for the right wave of energy that will seamlessly take you where you wish to go, that not only feels right but is created from a space of alignment, surrender, faith, flow, and trust. It is loving yourself enough to be the expert on you, and feeling into what is a match to your soul’s desires, as the empowered co-creator of your life expression.” ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

I feel that the energetics of this New Moon are designed to inspire a rise in compassionate, intuitive intelligence, a strong mind aligned with a strong heart. The strong energy waves of Aquarius and Pisces are inviting us to elevate our vision to see and feel the elevated perspective of Earth from space, and the Earth as part of a solar system with other planets, galaxies and an infinitely wise and benevolent universe.

Take some time to set and reflect on your New Moon intentions especially relative to where 10º of Aquarius energizes your chart, to help you manifest what you want to create over the next few weeks. If you are curious to learn more about the evolutionary healing magic of your birthchart, I invite you to book a reading with me, online or in-person if you live in the Greater Sudbury area. Astrology is an incredibly inspiring and valuable tool in the journey of self-understanding, self-love and empowerment. I am contemplating teaching some new workshops or a new course in 2025! Would you like to learn the basics of astrology or is there a specific theme or topic that you would like to explore in a gentle, supportive environment? Please let me know!

Cosmic blessings, love and lightning,

Richard ✨⚡️



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