Dear star friends, Chers amis,
Welcome to the most important and powerful New Moon of the year! Aries, the cosmic Ram, is igniting a a gigantic fire of inspiration in the world consciousness. This New Moon in Aries kicks off the astrological year and creates ripples of energy that will last for many months. On April 11, there are 6 planets in the sign of Aries: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Chiron and Eris, the fierce goddess of War, Discord and Chaos. How is that for a kick-ass lineup of energy? We are now feeling an incredibly powerful new thrust of life-force energy that will awaken many people who have felt confused, overwhelmed, fatigued and worn out from a year of global chaos and uncertainty. The planet is coming alive and we are seeing new sprouts everywhere now! This rejuvenating energy of nature is one of the pleasures of life that I am most grateful for at this time. I had the realization that a seed does not question its true inner nature; it manifests its life-force fiercely and instinctively. Nature is reminding us that it is time to bust out of our shell and boldly express our authentic self.
Imagine an Olympic sprinter at the starting block of the big race when the gun goes off, or a horse leaping out of the gate, or a Formula 1 race car burning rubber, or a rocket ship blasting-off. If you can you feel that explosive power, you can also connect with the Aries part of your psyche. This is the strongest acceleration of energy possible in our human experience, yet this amazing thrust is not meant to last a long time. Think of that rocket ship again; those booster rockets are designed to catapult the ship outside of the Earth’s orbit, then they drop to the surface, after accomplishing their goal. We need Aries when we need an extra boost of power to propel us into a new experience. That is the purpose of Aries, especially at this time. I often find myself thinking of the symbolic power of that Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the sign of Aquarius that we had on the Winter Solstice. That event signalled a very rare shift of energy, away from the density of earth to the lightness of air beyond the earth. Many astrologers, including Pam Gregory have talked about human beings evolving to becoming galactic citizens, less bound by material concerns and more aware of our place and purpose in the universal picture. In 2021, humanity is taking a bold new step, from a conscious, embodied place of simply knowing in our soul, what we have to do. This New Moon in Aries is meant to give us the push we need to act.
It’s not about overpowering anybody and using excessive force to assert our will. It’s about channeling the grounded strength and courage of the empowered Leader inside us relative to where Aries falls in your Birthchart. In my chart for example, Aries is lighting a new fire in my 3rd House of communication and education. I am feeling a new courage and inspiration to simply share my strongest thoughts with people who are most open and receptive to these messages. Thank you, dear friends for being open to my ideas!
This year, I have felt more than ever before the strong transformational death and rebirth of spring. To facilitate the process of renewal, we must cut and release old aspects of our being that no longer serve our evolutionary growth, and toss them into the sacred fire. It is time to release our mental conceptions of the old versions of the world that are not rooted in peace, compassion and ecological sustainability. Let’s take some deep breaths and surrender as powerfully as we can to being energetically reborn. Let’s embrace a stronger, wiser, more empowered version of ourselves. This New Moon is an opportunity to channel a new strength, confidence and courage to be a trailblazer, and choose to take the first steps on a new personal and collective journey. It is an initiation to embody the sacred warrior within us that has a unique purpose in this new life.
The incredible amount of Aries energy in this New Moon is designed to help us bust out of any situation or relationship that feels too restricting. The lockdowns do not need to limit us in expressing ourselves. Like the Red Hawk in the Medicine Wheel Earth Astrology, we can channel this power through our strong wings to fly into brand new horizons. On a spiritual level, we are pioneering and seeding a new frequency in the collective energy field of humanity and for our home planet. Let’s remember that larger astrological story of 2021, the square aspect between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. Simply put, this year is about anchoring a new consciousness (Aquarius) into the Earth (Taurus).
“Kabbalah teaches that there are two kinds of desire: the desire to receive in order to share, or the desire to receive for the self, alone. When we want just for ourselves, we burn out fast. When we desire an abundant crop to feed the village, the universe is happy to give us more and more. Always do the thing that you find most exciting FIRST. Excitement leads to synchronicities—which tell us that we’re plugged into a higher field of consciousness and attraction. So the next time you’re stuck, just look for the next exciting thing you can take action on—and do it.” This was a quote from the Astro Twins at
At the time of this New Moon, Venus and Eris will form a powerful square aspect to Pluto. In fact, the Pluto-Eris square is one of the biggest astrological stories of 2020-2021. When you see that the deep, dark and powerful energy of Pluto is in such close geometrical connection with Eris, goddess of war for the last two years, you can easily understand the intense physical, emotional, and psychological impacts of this pandemic that have touched every person on the planet in some way.
With all these planets in square aspect to Pluto on the New Moon, we may feel some volcanic eruptions in our personal or in the collective energy field, and there are so many possible repercussions. Becoming aware of the formidable nature of these astrological energies may help us to accept and integrate them better. Since Venus is connecting to Eris and Pluto some time before and after the New Moon, personal or social relationship issues may come up for us. We may feel triggered and act out rashly or more intensely than usual. With Eris closely aligned with Venus in this New Moon chart, we could experience a dark side to our relationships, including our love for self. Let’s face it: a huge part of the human spirit is battered and bruised. We need to open ourselves to receive as much new life and l love as we can.
The Pluto-Eris square reflects a powerful awakening and activation of the inner warrior. With a 560 year orbit, the aspects formed by Eris signal a radical shift of the ages. Eris is not afraid of creating chaos to fight for her principles, even if she is outnumbered and the odds are against her. The Eris part of our psyche channels a primal rage, a raw instinctive feminine that cannot be suppressed and will not obey the rules. She is like Mars, Black Moon Lilith and Uranus combined! She rises up to help those who don’t feel heard, and are disenfranchised. Can you feel or relate to this power? With the square to Pluto in Capricorn, there is a grand clash of energies here as Pluto wants intense control and authority.
Eris is still a new planet and it takes a number of years to fully integrate the archetypal energy. According to astrologer Steven Forrest, “Because the integration is difficult, we often see the darker side manifest more vividly at first. The deepest question that Eris inspires is What battle is worth fighting for? Like it or not, Eris is here; how will we use it?
Feeling anger or rage is normal and natural, yet we are conditioned to stuff it down as much as we can, which often leads to all kinds of unhealthy activities. This New Moon invites us to go to a safe space, connect with that anger and release it in a loud primal scream. I did it in the forest but you can also release into a pillow. You can also express that anger on paper and burn it in that sacred fire.
The seeds of intention that we plant on this New Moon are supremely significant and far-reaching. What projects would you like to initiate? If you don’t know, you can meditate or pray to receive some guidance from your spirit guides and directly from Mars. Say your intentions in the present tense to make them more real and feel gratitude for your intentions becoming realized.
Ultimately, this New Moon is about making choices. You may ask yourself: “Are my choices more rooted in who I’ve been in the past or aligning with a newer version of self I am daring to become now?” Your inner warrior wants you to feel who you truly are and say loudly and proudly: I am …………..!
Voilà! Thank you once again for taking the time to journey with me on this potent New Moon. If you would like to receive more exclusive content such as my new guided meditations and activations to connect more powerfully with the astrological energies, I invite you to become a member of my Patreon portal. You can sign up by visiting the welcome page of my website.
Ready to dive deeper into the magic of astrology? I invite you to register for my new online Level 1 Astrology course that begins on May 4th. Details are on my Facebook page and on my website.
Galaxy of love,