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New Moon in Leo: New Fire of Life

Star Notes * August 16, 2023

Warm greetings, star friends, * ♌️ *

Welcome to the bright and untamed vibrations flowing in this New Moon in Leo, which is exact at 5:38 am EDT, on August 16th. We are definitely navigating through some super potent physical, emotional, psychological and existential waves all over on the planet, but this New Moon sky invites us to make huge breakthroughs in empowerment and step more boldly into the authentic radiance of our divine creative expression. Thank you for joining me!

The Sun and Moon come into into alignment at 23º of Leo; if you know your chart, have a look at that area of your chart to see where you are meant to shine now and feel the roar of your inner Lioness/Lion. My intuitive friend Angela Maroosis channeled this message: “The energy invites us to show up in our personal power with a reverence for who you have become since the Leo Full Moon earlier this year. Many powerful astrological events have shaken us to really awaken to our inner power by making new choices and stretching beyond more than we dared was possible for ourselves.” (Angela Maroosis of

This New Moon is closely conjunct retrograde Venus and Black Moon Lilith, all in the warm rays of Leo. I am really feeling the power and significance of this rare Venus retrograde. We have journeyed through a bit more than half of this 40-day reflection on all our relationships, values, self-love and creative expression. Venus invites us to bring special loving care and healing attention to our heart so that we can love ourselves and relate to others with increased courage, vulnerability and authenticity.

Venus has been in a close square aspect to Uranus for many days and will continue to connect with the cosmic Trickster/Awakener/Revolutionary until early October. Have you felt or had some powerful conversations on the themes of love, intimacy and relationship lately? Uranus is revealing some surprising, unexpected new perspectives and stimulating new social connections.

I don’t often write about Black Moon Lilith but I feel like sharing this excellent message from astrologer Leslie Benson. “While Black Moon Lilith is usually framed around the archetype of cast-out feminine sexuality and power, I tend to extend this frame of meaning to apply to any part of self that becomes repressed in our psyche, and subsequently the process of retrieving those parts as a road to healing and integration of the Self. As the current shake-up illuminates the disowned parts of self, the invitation is to witness and tend to these places deep within us with loving care. This kind of process can be a powerful tool to engender healing, self-love, and coming into a more integrated expression of the radiant and creative beings that we all are!” (Leslie Benson,

Uranus is in a close square to the Sun, Moon, Venus and Black Moon Lilith at the time of this New Moon. This influence is strongly associated with many forms of disruptive, destabilizing, chaotic, volatile, seismic and revolutionary forces. Uranus may not always offer a smooth ride; however, its purpose is to free up and liberate stuck patterns. Just like a bolt of lightning releases tension in the atmosphere, we can embrace the wild waves of Uranus to release tension in our bodies and stimulate new behaviour patterns regarding our personal creative expression. Allow this energy to bring a new stimulating and energizing flow through your body, mind, heart and soul. Ultimately, I believe that this New Moon in Leo is designed to ignite new sparks of joy, life force energy and vitality throughout our entire energy field. Think of it as a cosmic power-up for everyone.

If you ever feel a little overwhelmed by these strong New Moon currents just remember to slow down, surrender, breathe and trust that they will pass just as quickly as they came. Let the magic of Leo, the universal Queen, King and cosmic sovereign inspire you to feel how special, unique and irreplaceable you are. Keep on shining brightly and proudly, with dignity and majesty. The world needs you to be your real and best YOU!

I sincerely hope you enjoyed this post and invite you to visit my website, and join me on Patreon to enjoy all that I create. Please reach out if you are curious to experience a personal reading with me, which can greatly assist you in understanding, feeling and expressing your unique magic and authentic life path more consciously and courageously. Astrology is also a fantastic resource and gift for children and loved ones of all ages. I am often available for online Zoom readings and in-person consultations at the one and only Tree of Life North here in Sudbury, Ontario.

Big love and light,

Richard ☀️

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