Dear Star community, Bonjour, Namaste, 🕉
Welcome to the soft and dreamy skies of March 2022! Thank you very much for tuning in with me today as we explore the mystical Pisces New Moon. I felt called to pull a Medicine Card for this post, and Raven flew out out of the deck. “Raven magic is a powerful medicine that can give you the courage to enter the darkness of the void, which is the home of all that is not yet in form: this is the Great Mystery. You have earned the right to see and experience a little more of life’s magic.” What a perfect message for all of us at this time. Enjoy some deep breaths to take in the magic as you read this post.
We honor the New Moon in Pisces at 12:35 pm ET, Wednesday March 2nd, which sets the new vibrational tone all the way through the Spring Equinox. Let’s explore some of the incredibly potent cosmic alignments in this New Moon chart. First, and most importantly, the Sun and Moon are closely conjunct Jupiter, planet of faith, joy, expansion and generosity of spirit. Jupiter is one of the planetary rulers of Pisces and can therefore facilitate a great and wonderful expansion in our consciousness this month. This New Moon invites us to focus our attention on the ways in which we want to grow this year. Pisces represents the part of the human circuitry that has the power to dream, intuit and imagine our reality extending beyond the physical plane to the metaphysical dimensions of experience. Truly, we live in an enchanted, infinite, luminous, multi-dimensional universe. Before you set your New Moon intentions, give yourself permission to see, smell, taste, hear and touch the truth of your biggest and most beautiful dreams.
When I reflect on the main spirit of these times, I often visualize people surfing on ocean waves as a metaphor for the tremendous currents of (r)evolutionary change that have been flowing around the world for a few years now. February’s lunar cycle in Aquarius coincided with many more stormy energetic waves that stimulated enthusiastic Uranian drives toward freedom and emancipation as well as Saturnian impulses towards control and authority. We all got caught in the crossfire of these opposing archetypal forces, one way or another, which can rock our centre of gravity and psychological, emotional equilibrium if we are too close to the action. In the last few weeks, I got caught up in some strong turbulence but in the process of coming back to balance, I learned the value of maintaining healthy energetic boundaries and the importance of detachment and objective compassion. We need to understand that energetic storms will continue, so the more tools and knowledge we have, the more fluid we are, and the more inner peace we cultivate, the better we will navigate these times. It is important to give and receive help and support as needed. We are all surfing these waves together. What keeps you afloat and brings you back to centre after you“fall off your surfboard on the waves of life”?
This New Moon in Pisces signals a time to surf on softer waves and retreat into sacred havens where we can fully relax, rest and replenish our human and spiritual being. Pisces invites us to slow down and spend more time simply soaking and unwinding in soothing waters, which can help to dissolve and release any tension, anger or armour surrounding our heart space. This New Moon reminds us to let it all go and surrender more fully into a feeling of grace and compassion for oneself and the world every day.
Pisces also symbolizes the magic of the great Ocean of oneness in which life is a continuing ebb and flow of energy, a cosmic breathing in and breathing out. The Fishes remind us to swim between the form and the formless, the seen and the unseen, the Earth and the Stars. Instinctively, we flow from times of strong engagement in the outer world, to periods of calm and rest in the inner world. The New Moon in Pisces awakens the mystic, poet, observer and dreamer within all of us. The wisdom of astrology reminds us that these archetypal expressions are very important and necessary energies within the totality of human experience. This flow coincides with the universal need to take a March Break and attend to the needs of our body, sing the song of our heart and listen to the whispers of our soul.
Through Pisces, the last Zodiac sign, and Neptune, the last official planet in our solar system, we get a glimpse of the most mysterious and numinous realms of life. We remember that, in the most expansive version of reality, we are galactic beings in physical form. The Divine has thousands of names; yet, it is better understood as a feeling that radiates in the heart. It is the vibration of pure, unconditional love that is always flowing in and around us. We can experience the highest truth and purpose of the Pisces/Neptune archetype when we jump in and surrender to the divine flow with complete faith and trust.
If you follow me regularly, you know that I resonate strongly with the channeled teachings of Shelley Young at Trinity Esoterics. Here is a timely message. “Dear Ones, you do not need to hear spirit in order to be guided. We are guiding and supporting you all the time! We are the gentle nudge that makes you decide to stop at a location you normally don’t visit where you meet your next beloved. We are the ones that slowed you down just enough to miss the traffic accident on your way to work. We hold you tight when you are in despair and encourage you to keep going because we can see a miracle is right around the corner for you. We are the butterfly that lands in front of you, giving you the glimpse of heaven on earth. We keep your inspired ideas in your awareness until they get so loud you choose to go down the path to your next great discovery. We are always loving you and cheering you on. We are all around you! All you need to do is be willing to see the magic and you will be amazed at the support that is always there to love and guide you forward every step of the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
This New Moon chart features another very important and exact alignment between Mars, Venus and Pluto all at 27 degrees of Capricorn. All week, we will feel the gods of war, love and the underworld engaging in a strong cosmic conference within the collective psyche, which can be expressed in multiple ways. Pluto conjunct Mars can reveal a very dark and intensely destructive shadow expression of the will to power and domination; sadly, we are seeing that in Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine. Please join me in sending prayers of peace, compassion and healing to everyone in Ukraine and to all life on Earth.
This fusion of Mars, Venus and Pluto can also inspire us to feel more empowered in the area where late Capricorn falls in our birthchart. We are seeing an immense shift in power dynamics within ourselves, in all our relationships and in our relationship to power in the other world. “We are finding it easier to express our truth faster, and to trust that it can have a real change effect. More and more people are finding their voice and standing up for their truth in ways that they haven’t felt called to before. Expression can lead us to feel the truth in our being and to a place where we feel more sovereign in who we are. (Lee Harris March Energy Update) Everyone has a unique perspective and they are all needed at this time.
As a water sign, like Cancer and Scorpio, Pisces energy is highly sensitive, empathic and feeling oriented. This lunation cycle may allow strong feelings to rise up to the surface from a very deep place in this life or in past lives. Although it can be difficult to sit with these emotions, we have a tremendous opportunity to heal some old wounds, traumas or memories in new ways. You can trust that when they rise in you, and you are centred in your heart, you are in an energetic space that is ripe for purging, detoxing and healing. “When you are in your heart, you’re home! Everything flows and blooms from there, so bloom wherever you are and trust that you always have the nutrients in your heart to bloom perfectly.” (Judy Cali)
Over these last 2 years, I have noticed a radical increase in two seemingly separate, yet deeply interconnected phenomena. On the one hand, there has been a sharp rise in the vibration of fear, pain, anger, loss, confusion, disillusionment and disempowerment within the collective. This is particularly evident in mainstream media broadcasts. On the other hand, we have seen an equally powerful rise in the frequency of love, compassion and selfless service all over the world most visibly by the front line workers in many areas of life. More quietly in the background of it all, yet constantly present, we have also felt and developed stronger emotional bonds with our closest family and friends in our tribe. I hope you can feel and appreciate the beautiful support, love, encouragement and heart-based solidarity that has grown stronger in your life.
In 2020, when Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter all came together in an epic alignment in Capricorn, it ushered in a very strong energy of contraction and tight control. The restrictive energies of the pandemic as well as the exposed shadow of police brutality physically and symbolically connected to the lungs: “I can’t breathe.” In 2022, we are going to see a natural, universal balancing impulse to expand our energy field, heal our lungs and collective throat chakras by voicing our individual truth. We can only hold our breath for so long. I am visualizing humanity expanding our chest and taking very deep breaths to replenish our physical bodies with universal life force energy.
This special New Moon in Pisces conjunct Jupiter, planet of expansion, is beautifully symbolic of the need for massive doses of faith and hope to energize the human psyche. In the months of March and April, when Jupiter, Neptune and Venus will form a once in a lifetime conjunction in Pisces, we all have very rare opportunities to experience the sacred medicine of spiritual healing on a grand scale. Steven Forrest is calling this period of time a ‘spiritual graduation’. “What if we are further along on our spiritual evolution than we imagine? Let’s look for the angels inside ourselves. Many of us are more advanced than we think we are and the sooner we realize that, the sooner we’ll have the confidence to help heal this battered world. For each one of us this year, certain bold and auspicious moves of spiritual self-affirmation are what trigger the breakthroughs.” (Steven Forrest)
Your birthchart reveals the treasure house of your unique evolutionary and spiritual growth. My deepest calling and highest service is to assist people to find the keys to their inner treasure and feel this richness in all aspects of their lives. If you feel moved to learn more about the authentic magic in your life through your chart, I invite you to contact me to book a reading. I am also quite excited to announce the launch of my new workshop called “Sacred Stars: Introduction to the Magic of Astrology.” This will be a refreshed and expanded workshop on the foundations of astrology. It will be offered virtually on Zoom, March 20th, 1-4 pm as well as in-person at the Flower of Life for 10 people, on March 18th, 1-4 pm. (Investment : $55) All the details will come out this week on my Facebook page and next newsletter, but you can reach me privately to reserve your spot right away.
With infinite love,
Richard 💜🌟💜