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Reflection on the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

Star Notes * October 28, 2023

Dear Star Tribe, Bonjour,

Sending warm vibes to everyone. We are living in incredibly transformative times on planet Earth, on every level, individually, collectively and multidimensionally. This Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus is reminding us to slow down, breathe deeper and flow into every moment as peacefully and gracefully as we can. Galaxy of gratitude for joining me on this short reflection.

This Full Moon was exact at 4:24 pm, on October 28, and lights up the cosmos and psyche of human consciousness at 5 degrees of Taurus, opposite the Sun at 5 degrees of Scorpio. If you have planets within 0 - 10 degrees of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius, you have been feeling it strongly for some time now because Eclipse energies are stimulated many days before and many weeks and months after the precise alignment. I am feeling all of this big time, as the Eclipse is strongly conjunct my own Sun in Taurus. Eclipses can trigger very powerful emotions, life-changing realizations and experiences.

When Scorpio is strongly energized, it can crank up emotional sensitivity and intensity, as it stirs up an awareness of the deepest, darkest and most mysterious qualities in the relationship between life, death, transformation and rebirth. Scorpio is naturally connected to Pluto and is ruled by Pluto, lord of the underworld and the dark night of the soul. It can seem like the whole world is going through a dark night of the soul, on some level. If you are in the throes of it personally, here is some great wisdom to help you navigate through it.

“When it becomes too painful to stay the same we surrender, and that is the greatest power move we can make because it allows our angels, guides, and higher self to lead us to the solutions we can’t see from where we are. The first thing to do is to simply declare, “I surrender” with your whole heart to whoever you feel is a source you trust to guide you. Dark nights of the soul always precede periods of profound expansion. Say yes to what shows up for you as new opportunities. Trust where the flow is trying to take you. When you are in crisis mode, your job is to seek to have your basic needs met and find your way to safety and comfort. It is not time for you to try to embody spiritual mastery. The dark night of the soul is the springboard to something new and so much better, so don’t give up when the light is about to break through. Your soul has a plan and surrendering to its wisdom while working with both your spiritual supports and whatever earthy supports are available to you is how you find your way though it.” (Shelley Young, of Trinity Esoterics.)

Scorpio expresses the most powerfully emotional, passionate and meta-physical dimensions of life, while Taurus embodies the most physical, sensual, peaceful and beautiful qualities of life. As fixed signs, Scorpio and Taurus can express a fierce, uncompromising stubbornness, but when we express this polarity more mindfully, we can access a profoundly magical, beautiful, alchemical and transformative frequency. I often think of the Magician Tarot card when I feel the magic of Taurus and Scorpio. “When a person opens their heart, and they begin to sustain an elevated emotion, they can begin to broaden the magnetic field around their body to nine meters wide. The emotion is the magnetic charge. When you combine a clear intention with an elevated emotion, you begin to produce an effect on matter. (Jo Dispensa)

Keep on doing your best to stay calm and grounded to maximise the healing power of peaceful presence, in which all things are possible.

If you feel called to explore the healing magic of astrology in your own life, I am available for private consultations on Zoom or in person at the Tree of Life North in Greater Sudbury.

Deep love, peace and magic,

Richard 🌟

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