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Reflections on New Moon in Leo: Let Your Light Shine Bright

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

Dear friends, chers amis: bright greetings from the Stars! I invite you to get comfortable for a few moments and enjoy this reflection on the magic of Leo and the astrology of late August 2020. It is a pure joy and sacred honor to connect with you.

Leo is rued by the Sun, the shining star of our celestial neighbourhood. I felt called to begin this post by sharing one of my most cherished quotes of all time, which brilliantly captures the essence of this New Moon in offering us a lesson on the healing power of light. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves,

“Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Marianne Williamson

Isn’t that powerful? For many years, those words inspired me every day. May they inspire you too, especially if you haven’t heard them before. Do you know exactly how powerful human beings really are? I have been meditating on this question for quite some time now. I would venture to say that no one knows for sure! What do you think? I believe that the crazy and intensely transformative energies of 2020 and beyond are designed to inspire humanity to shine the brightest light we can. This New Moon at precisely 10:42 pm on Tuesday August 18th is ushering in the maximum Leo frequency of the year! Let’s explore the magic of Leo, the cosmic Lion.

Leo symbolizes the great monarch, glorious Queen, King and dignified sovereign that shines in the heart of every woman, man and child of the world. The Sun shines brightest in the sign of the Lion. The Sun’s passage in Leo, from July 22nd to August 22nd, showcases the perfect weather for enjoying the sunshine and all outdoor activities. Big, bright, sunflowers are at their peak at this time of year in the northern hemisphere. When you look for correspondences and synchronicities between astrology and human life, you will find them everywhere. The Leo part of our psyche inspires us to display our most radiant self to the world as the star of our own production.

The cosmic Lion also reminds us that we are formidable creators of energy. When we come to realize that everything in our reality is pure energy, we awaken to the fact that, ultimately, we are responsible for creating the vibration we emit. We can say that by honoring our power, we liberate and reclaim our ability to create a new reality and a better world for humanity and future generations. It is important to remember that we are always creating frequency, consciously or unconsciously from a place of fear or a place of love. When fear is the dominant energy it creates a limiting, contracting and passive vibration. When love or joy is the stronger frequency, it automatically generates an uplifting, expansive, dynamic and harmonious field of energy, which opens the doors to higher dimensional connection, infinite manifestation possibilities and miracles! Do you feel uplifted by these words? Language also creates vibration and that’s why well crafted love songs or beautiful poetry feel so good.

This New Moon chart features a tremendous amount of firepower that will fuel the next few weeks as we transition from late summer to early fall. First, we have Mercury very close to the Sun and Moon, sharing that bright light of Leo energy. Mercury, the fast moving Messenger of the gods, represents our mind, voice and communication faculties. This is the perfect time to express our best ideas and communicate our authentic voice of truth with confidence, dignity and creative flair.

For most of my life, my instinct was to shy away from any attention seeking. Over the past few years I have been learning to shine from the heart and walk my talk about healthy self-love. In the words of Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young,

“Some people are reluctant to shine their light because they are afraid they will fall into ego. Dear Ones, it is always easy to tell the difference for ego is flashy and seeking external validation, while your soul shines with a light from within that is luminous, empowered, and authentically beautiful. You can never, ever make a mistake allowing the gentle radiance of your true divine essence to lead the way.”

I would like to share another quote that illuminates the connection between authentic self-expression and the beauty of the soul.

“Many of you choose to not show your true selves because you fear that others will not like you if they see you in your truth. What you don’t realize is that approach actually prevents people from seeing your true beauty. Allowing your truth and authenticity to show, honouring your interests and passions, and letting your loving heart lead the way, is how your beauty shines brightest because it is unimpeded by filters. And it is how other beautiful souls with similar energetics can find you and celebrate you because those are the ones who can see you for who you really are! The more you accept yourself in your authenticity and allow it to show, the more you give the world the opportunity to see your true beauty and to love you, too, exactly as your are.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young, Trinity Esoterics

Let’s now get back to the firepower of the New Moon expressed through Mars the cosmic Warrior. If you have read my previous posts or follow other astrologers, you will remember that Mars has been increasing the force of personal and collective assertiveness lately and will continue to do so for the next few months. In this New Moon sky, we see the Sun, Moon and Mercury in Leo all make a harmonious trine aspect with Mars in Aries. Yet, Mars also makes a tense square aspect with the planetary heavyweights of 2020: Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. Long story short, Mars is triggering “volcanically intense evolutionary pressures for the radical reconfiguration of all life structures.” ~Richard Tarnas. This is raw, powerful and volatile energy and we will likely see a myriad of events that reflect this energy within us and in society until the end of 2020.

As you know, I often see images when I meditate on certain astrological combinations. When I see Mars in Aries, I see quick and powerful bursts of energy. When I am looking at all those planets in Capricorn, I see mountainous structures that have taken a long time to build and are resistant to change. You see how different these energies are? I feel that Mars in Aries also symbolizes the rambunctious spirit in the human psyche that is very upset with the status quo and the controlling influence of the structures of authority around the world. Picture a new spaceship that is eager to fly and trying to break free from a huge space station holding the ship in a tractor beam. Can you feel the intense and explosive power unleashed in that scene and all over planet Earth?

How can we use this energy constructively on a spiritual level? Mars is Aries is all about courageous action, and it is beckoning us to become conscious of the ways in which fear is holding us back from answering our soul’s calling. Let’s look at that fear square in the eye, and understand that the purpose of fear is to awaken us to the power of our inner Warrior. Visualize your inner Warrior with as much detail as you want, and then redirect this power by taking any action step toward what is required to fulfill your current project, goal or life mission. Go for it and engage at maximum warp!

This is the year to break free from any limiting relationship, situation, occupation, and environment that do not honor your true self. I strongly encourage you to trust this process because I can say from personal experience that whenever you follow your heart and take inspired action steps towards your soul’s deepest desires, the universe always lends a very helpful, supportive and loving hand! This journey may be fraught with challenges that require us to make continual adjustments; however it represents the epic quest that our inner Warrior has been yearning to undertake.

Even though we have passed the precise timing of this New Moon, we can still channel this energy to plant a seed of intention for what we desire to create by following the passion in our heart. Since Leo is the sign that connects to the heart, let’s take a moment to talk about the magic of the human heart. Shout out to astrologer Pam Gregory for reminding me about the ongoing fantastic work and research done by HeartMath Institute. If you are a heart or science lover, you will love this material. Some people may be surprised to learn that the heart generates the largest electromagnetic field in the human body. “The electrical field as measured in an electrocardiogram (ECG) is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the brain waves recorded in an electroencephalogram (EEG). The more we consciously focus our attention on feelings of gratitude, appreciation, love and compassion, we increase the coherence of our energy field. We can also focus on centering and grounding ourselves and then breathing through the heart as if it was our lungs. I have felt greater peace and harmony with these simple exercises. If you like these ideas, I invite all of you to check out and explore their beautiful website and download their free ebooks: The Energetic Heart, and The Science of Interconnectivity.

When we combine the courage of Aries with the shining heart of Leo we can become trailblazers for Love! Let’s let the light of the Sun shine though us to facilitate the shift in global consciousness from instability and discord to compassionate care, cooperation and increasing peace.

What else can you do to contribute to the evolution of humanity? The challenges of 2020 are inspiring us to grow and express the brightest, most empowered version of ourselves to the world. A Birthchart reading offers you powerful insights into your unique nature, qualities, strengths and challenges that lead to a holistic integration of all aspects of your being. A Forecast reading highlights the current opportunities, life cycles, spiritual lessons and challenges that your soul needs to experience in order to grow and evolve at this time. I invite you to contact me for more information about my services. It is always a sacred honor to serve you.

My Facebook page is changing to Richard Malette Astrology and my new website: is very, very close to launching! So exciting! Stay tuned for official announcements of new workshops, classes and exclusive content for those of you who would like to support my work through Patreon.

New Moon blessings from the heart, Richard



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