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Reflections on the Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini: Higher Love

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

Dear friends, chères amis:

Welcome to the energies of December, the last month of the most turbulent year in our collective memory! Astrologers are running out of adjectives to describe the earth-shaking cosmic weather of this year. December is also ushering in new and momentous winds of change. Allow yourself to get comfortable, take some nice deep breaths, and join me on a journey that will explore the multifaceted light of the recent Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini and much more. Ready? Here we go!

That high frequency Full Moon involved the Sun in Sagittarius in opposition to the Moon in Gemini. The Sun will be travelling in the warm and expansive skies of Sagittarius from November 21st to December 21st. At this time of year, our solar vitality is getting recharged with a renewed enthusiasm, anticipation and optimism for the future, which is a necessary and divine medicine to uplift the heavy heart of the world soul this year. Masses of people are struggling to feel this, but if you have a strong Sagittarius signature in your chart, it is your time and sacred duty to shine bright and share that warm spirit as a beacon of faith for all of humanity. Thank you cosmic Archers for aiming that bow of cosmic truth as high as you can! Just today, I drove past a line of vehicles parked on the side of the street with big, colourful balloons and Happy Birthday posters on every window. What a perfect demonstration of that Sagittarius magic!

The Full Moon was in Gemini for only a couple of days but we are still in the Full Moon phase of the lunar cycle. Actually, since astrology is all about the study of cycles within cycles, that Full Moon was the culmination of a cycle that began at the New Moon in Gemini on June 21st, the summer solstice, roughly 6 months ago. Gemini symbolizes the most curious part of our psyche that is always observing everything around us, always learning and communicating what it perceives. In this year of global chaos, confusion and transformation, we have also been invited to reclaim the power of our voice, heal the traumas of suppressed communication lodged in our throat chakra, and regain our sense of wonder with life on a strange planet.

Gemini has many lessons for us Individually and collectively because the North Node of the Moon, which is our collective evolutionary path forward is in the sign of the Twins from May 2020 to early 2022. I love to study the Lunar Nodes because they are very mystical yet karmically powerful symbols. The South Node of the Moon, which is our collective past conditioning, is in Sagittarius. We are learning to let go of the shadow aspects of Sagittarius that are no longer useful in our evolutionary adventure in this window of time. The journey from Sagittarius to Gemini is releasing any old belief system that feels too rigid, dogmatic or opinionated. Since Gemini connects to the Air element, it is time to spread our wings, trust the winds of change and fly into new currents of intellectual understanding. As we explore reality from a multitude of perspectives, we open our mind, body, soul and spirit to a new vision of what is possible. We can embrace fresh thoughts and intuitive downloads that we don’t even fully understand. When we allow ourselves to be temporarily confused, we create new mental pathways that lead to fantastic new ideas and the flow of perfect synchronicities.

Gemini connects to the lungs, breathing and the nervous system. We have all seen the poignant images related to the “I can’t breathe” and Black Lives Matter movements. And of course, the Covid-19 pandemic itself, global restrictions, mask wearing and social distancing have created intense waves of anxiety and stress. Humanity is going through the most massive shifts in consciousness that we have ever experienced. In this incredibly vast transition we are witnessing the transformation of many structures and institutions of power around the world. We are also simultaneously doing a profound and necessary inner healing and transforming our world from the inside out. As above, so below.

Recently, a wise friend reminded me of a blessing in disguise regarding face masks. I understand that many people don’t believe that wearing masks is helpful or necessary, and I respect that viewpoint. However, wearing a face mask is pushing us to become more present, receptive, patient and better listeners as we learn to communicate with our eyes. The universe is pushing us to unite our mind and heart, logic and emotional intelligence to communicate more intuitively and efficiently.

Speaking of intuition, I would like to address one of the most important but least talked about astrological events of the year. Neptune, the most mysterious planet in our solar system is now in a very close square aspect to the Lunar Nodes. Like all planets, Neptune can play the role of teacher or trickster, and we are feeling the whole spectrum very powerfully this year. Since Pluto got reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006, Neptune now represents the last of the major planets, the end of the line beyond which we peer into the vastness of space and the “unfathomable spaciousness of the deep psyche.” (Steven Forrest, Book of Neptune) When Neptune is strong in the collective psychic atmosphere, we can feel very spacey, confused and disoriented, which can lead to strong addictive or escapist tendencies.

When we open ourselves to a more holistic or mystical understanding of the universe, Neptune becomes a master teacher of compassion, intuition and spiritual connection. The way I see it, Neptune’s function and purpose is to help humanity see beyond illusion and confusion to realize that we live in a conscious, loving and supportive universe. From 2011 to 2024, Neptune is flowing in Pisces, the sign it rules, which greatly expands its power in our psyche. This connection between Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius is amping up the mutable quality of the Zodiac. Even though change is the the nature of life and the only constant in the world, it can feel very overwhelming!

Here is a very important channeled message that clearly explains how we are all feeling at this time. There are vast energetic changes occurring to both your bodies (physical and light bodies) and the planet from now until the end of the year. You are receiving downloads of energy which are often delivered and received in a spiralling motion. The momentum of the collective awakening energy is also moving forward rapidly now which can be experienced as fast forward energy movement combined with waves of ups and downs, yet you may feel like you are not moving at all on a personal level. All of this together can result in many different symptoms! You may feel buoyed by the energies. You may feel anxiety if you are experiencing accelerated flow. You may feel excitement, even if you don’t know where you are heading because you can sense there are breakthroughs for you waiting on the horizon. You may feel dizziness, nausea, disorientation, or feeling like the ground is moving underneath you, headaches, dehydration, fatigue, exhaustion, brain fog, erratic sleep patterns, and craving certain foods. Dear Ones, what we wish for you to understand is that you are in the final pushes of a completely transformative year that has been designed to deliver you into the energies of the new. This is much like the speeding up of intensity you feel in the last stages of labour. It is truly remarkable what you are doing! You are birthing both a new you and a new earth. Breathe and stay focused on whatever is required in the present moment." (Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young)

Sometimes a song comes into our awareness that offers the perfect healing and inspired message. For me right now it is the song “Higher Love” by Steve Winwood. Check it out! We have come to a point in our journey where it is simply time to integrate a Higher Love and a greater compassionate connection with all beings and all that is. May we surrender to love, flow with peace, have faith in our light, and trust that we are being guided and supported in every moment. What is your inspiration at this time? I always love to hear from you. Thank you once again for journeying with me. I am honored by our connection.

Voilà! If you enjoy and value these Star Notes, I invite you to visit my website and sign up to become a member of my Patreon program and receive more insights and exclusive content. I am now working on the December Cosmic Currents, which explores all of the December astrology in detail. Youtube videos coming in 2021! I also have gift certificates for readings available for purchase at the Tree of Life North!

With Higher Love,

Richard 💜

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