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Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries: Fire of Life

Star Notes - April 20, 2023

Dear star friends, Bonjour, 💛

Welcome to the potent alchemical fire and incredibly dynamic energy of the first eclipse of 2023! Thank you for joining me in this reflection on the sacred fire of life.

We had a New Moon in Aries right at the time of the spring equinox, in the first degree of Aries. This second

consecutive New Moon in Aries was exact at 29 degrees of Aries on the late evening of April 19 and early on April 20. We received a mega dose of Aries energy on the planet. It feels like the ignition of a rocket booster that is ushering a brand new life force into the world consciousness.

Like an intense volcanic eruption that creates a new land mass rising from the ocean depths, we have been feeling an intense rush of energy coming from Aries, the archetypal Warrior, Leader and Pioneer in the human psyche. There is no stopping this powerful energetic eruption; however, we can choose to express it from a place of fear, anger or fierce courage, depending on the power of our focus and intentions.

Pluto, planet of deep power, passion, purpose and transformation formed a close 90 degree square aspect with the Sun and Moon at the exact time of the New Moon eclipse. “With great power comes great responsibility.” All superhero fans know this line from the Spider Man universe but it also has connections to the French Revolution. Ultimately, the notion of power and responsibility echo the universal expression of Pluto and Saturn. What can we do in these epically turbulent, revolutionary times? We are called to embody the wise inner Warrior that is ready to rise again with a strong and noble heart. We have a sacred responsibility to accept, embrace, surrender and flow with this universal energy with as much grace and grit as possible.

I felt called to soak in a candlelit bath for a long time last night. It calmed my nervous system, and inspired me to clearly visualize what I want to manifest and truly desire in my happiest life expression. I am very grateful for this new clarity and I hope that you reconnect with your sacred Warrior and rekindle your deepest desires.

I also received a vision of a powerful sword of light, and realized that the purpose of this sword is to cut through very old, limiting programming and deeply entrenched habit patterns so that we can feel our true power and unlimited potential as cosmic beings in a human body. This is a time of intense purging, releasing, detoxification and healing of ancient soul memories and intergenerational traumas.

As the planetary ruler of Aries, Mars has a strong influence in this New Moon eclipse, and is energizing the sign of Cancer, the great Mother archetype. We need to be gentle and compassionate with ourselves first and with everyone around us, in this profound rebirthing process. It is time for a radical increase in self-care, self-love, self-confidence and self-awareness.

Imagine leaving an old home, relationship, occupation, city or country, and walking towards a new one that feels wonderful in every way and is a much better vibrational match for your new life! What does this new life look and feel like? “Intensity is a sign of big movement and breakthroughs. It is a time to keep your focus, stay committed to the job at hand, and provide whatever care you need for yourself to assure your success. The intensity is the acceleration of waves of energy that are designed to push your next profound phase out of the gestation period into tangible form, and step fully into your next highest expression of self. Great intensity is always followed by a space of tenderness, discovery, and recuperation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Mercury begins a 3-week Retrograde journey through Taurus on Friday, April 21. Because Mercury comes very close to Uranus on its station to retrograde motion, we are called to perceive our inner and outer landscapes differently. As the planet of freedom and innovation, Uranus can help us to let go of old thinking and embrace new and even revolutionary ideas as we review, contemplate and envision what we want to create this spring and summer. Taurus, the cosmic Bull and Buddha invites us to focus on our most cherished values, and more deeply embody peace, simplicity, beauty and love.

The themes and energies of eclipses tend to remain in effect for 6 months, so we are likely to experience some significant breakthroughs over the coming months in many spheres of life on a personal and collective level.

It is fascinating that only hours after the exact moment of the New Moon, the Sun and Moon shift into Taurus, thereby making Taurus the strongest Zodiac energy for a few weeks. May this new calming and grounded energy inspire all of us to cultivate a garden of peace and beauty in the heart of the world.

Stay tuned for a new post coming out shortly that gives detailed information about my new Evolutionary Astrology Level 1 online course, starting on Tuesday May 9th. I already have a few people registered and there is still room if you desire a strong foundation in the art and magic of astrology.

Did you hear about our unique Super Spring Spa weekend at the Tree of Life North in Sudbury, April 28-30? There are still some spots left. Check out the event on my personal and astro page.

Jump and dance into the fire of life!

Richard ❤️

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