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Spring Equinox & New Moon in Aries: Embodying the Spiritual Warrior

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

Dear friends, chers amis, Welcome to spring! Whew! We are living in epic, unchartered, unprecedented times. I pray and trust that you are all breathing deeply and giving yourself as much rest and self-care as you need. The Spring Equinox signifies a time of rebalancing and rebirth of the human spirit and in the natural world. It is also the first cosmic checkpoint on the wild and transformative journey otherwise known as 2020! March 20th is also International Astrology Day et en plus, c’est la journée mondiale de la francophonie! In celebration of all this, I invite you to relax for a couple of minutes, make yourself comfortable and enjoy reading this message, which is a collection of insights gathered from astrologers, healers, spiritual teachers and my own reflections. J’espère que ça sera une petite source de réconfort et de lumière. I hope that it will bring you some solace and light.

Perhaps the most essential of all teachings at this time is the concept of presence and compassion. This pandemic and its growing social, economic and psychological repercussions are sending shock waves around the world, which is leaving many people feeling very raw and vulnerable. In order to deal more effectively with this crisis, we are called to be even more present, mindful and respectful of our own emotions and the feelings of others. We can be more understanding and allow for the full spectrum of emotional reactions within and around us, knowing that they can change moment to moment throughout the day and it is all ok. However, we do need to gauge how we feel when we read news feeds, making sure to take a break when we feel out of balance or overwhelmed, and come back to basic self-care and comfort. This is a time for staying in touch with loved ones and feeling connection and compassion for all beings in this world: people, animals and Mother Earth herself. Let’s also give our loving support to all the people who are working diligently in the health, food, and emergency response sectors, ensuring our safety, security and nourishment around the planet.

Many teachers and astrologers have also been talking a great deal about grounding and embodiment. This teaching ties in perfectly to the physical earthy quality of Capricorn that we must master because it is the driving archetype of 2020. One of the greatest challenges of many sensitive souls is overcoming the desire to escape the cruelty and madness of the mundane world by not honoring the physical form. It would be easy to cultivate the belief that the 3D physical world is less important than higher dimensional frequencies; however, it is in the world of human form where all life happens. According to spiritual teacher Matt Kahn, we must “give honor and respect to form because in order for the deepest truths to be known and fully embodied as you are, form must be respected equally to the formless.” (Matt Kahn, the Pleidian Prophecy) We are learning the importance of anchoring Source-Universe-Spirit in the human body and the planet as much as we can. The journey of awakening is an initiation process, fraught with challenges. We need to accept that sometimes, we can feel some deep suffering.

“Oftentimes, when the Earth energies are still bound to the lower vibrational timelines, and your energy vibration is skyrocketing at the same time, you go through this in-between stage filled with dizziness, nausea, emotional flux, depression or suicidal tendencies.” (Matt Kahn)

As we individually and collectively navigate through the challenges of this time, it is vital that we be fully present in our physical bodies. Loving and honoring our body also means that we need to reach out for help and support as required. It also means exercising, getting fresh air and sunshine, eating healthy foods, and taking all the supplements and vitamins your body needs for maximum immunity.

I recently discovered an easy, new meditation exercise that I love so much and now do every day. When you go to bed, awaken or anytime during the day, hold a crystal or two of your choice and relax into some deep, gentle breathing. Slowly scan your whole body and bring awareness, acceptance and loving energy to every bone, muscle, organ and fascia. Feel into any part of you that needs extra loving attention. Turn on your Reiki or visualize divine healing light and repeat as often as you want. Our body truly is a sacred vessel for our mind, soul and spirit.

Since the last Full Moon in early March, in Virgo, the sign of physical healing, we are tapping into infinite perspectives on what it means to heal. At a very profound level,

“when we are healing, we are reclaiming the power that past conditioning, hardship, tragedy, abuse, neglect took from us. When power has been stripped from us, we have been stripped of something called dignity. Dignity is the ability to feel worthy of honor and respect, so to heal is to reclaim the power of your dignity.”

(Matt Kahn, What it Means to Heal)

I sense that this virus is pushing humanity to reclaim the dignity and sovereignty that is the divine spark of being human. We need to trust that there is a purpose to this experience, as crazy as it is. All these planets in Capricorn (Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and now Mars) are inspiring us to move forward on a journey of greater sovereignty, empowerment, deeper self-sufficiency and interconnectedness in the web of life.

Neptune, god of the ocean, was a prominent energy for the first 2 weeks in March and has a very important role to play in how we deal with Covid-19. I keep seeing an image where this coronavirus is sweeping the globe like a gigantic cleansing wave. As this virus is spreading in many areas, I see at the same time, a gigantic wave of Source infused divine light washing over every area of the Earth as well. I don’t think there has even been a greater collective impulse to wash, purify, clean, smudge, detox, purge, declutter, re-organize, and become more efficient in our daily activities. It feels like the whole of humanity is being given the task as well as the opportunity to heal very ancient and deeply rooted traumatic memories stored in our collective DNA. I see this cleansing wave helping to dissolve old patriarchal conditioning that was based in power, control, greed and obedience. I invite all of you to share your understanding of what is happening.

It seems clear that we are at a massive turning point; a time of letting go of old ways, and a planetary system reboot. Let’s face it; it is quite overwhelming. Yet, there is incredible potential to change the way we live on this planet. It will take time to do this right, yet I believe that we have all signed up to be here now and contribute in our unique ways, which are outlined in our birthchart. The truth is anyone can know their life purpose by listening carefully to the gentle whispers of their soul. Astrology accelerates and confirms this process. We are invited to dream and imagine a new world being born. We are seeing the evidence of compassion and heart-centered connection everywhere. I am sure many of you have seen videos of people helping others and singing and playing music together from balconies and rooftops. So beautiful! Let’s give ourselves permission to visualize our best life: the happiest, healthiest, most empowered, inspired, connected, loving life. We need to believe and trust that the Universe will support us and may even have a better plan for us. Despite the lockdown, and thanks to the Internet, this situation is dissolving many of the barriers that have separated different people, cultures, countries, and religions. We could be witnessing a great unification of the human spirit, which is the ultimate message of the passage of Neptune in Pisces, from 2011 to 2026.

In my first post of the year in January, I wrote a lot about embracing the magic and importance of Capricorn and Saturn in order to best navigate the energies of 2020. I am adding now a couple of new insights regarding Capricorn and how it applies to this zeitgeist. Saturn rules the boundaries and structures of life including the notion of time. This period of self-isolation can be considered a massive time-out experience. Therefore, it is an incredible opportunity to reflect on the meaning of time. When we study what mystics, science-fiction writers and modern physicists have to say about time, we see that it is not so fixed, stable or immutable as we were led to believe. On an even deeper level, according to Matt Kahn, “the source of all pain, misery and disappointment is being lost in the perception of time. Joyful feelings arise when we are unhooked from the perception of time.” I have to agree! I am sure that you have had many blissful experiences only when you were totally oblivious to the concept of time. When we consciously step out of the bind of time, the body can also begin to re-generate itself. As the Lone Leaper in High Places, Capricorn requires what I call sacred solitude to recharge its batteries. It is somehow extremely fitting that in 2020, the most important zodiacal archetype is Capricorn and we all find ourselves in a space where we have no choice but to surrender to sacred time, alone or with our loved ones. The universe in its infinite wisdom is giving us time to contemplate the great mysteries of life and re-imagine the infinite potential of what it means to be human.

When you look back at human history, evolutionary leaps often happen through crisis, jolts, shocks and intense life events. Yet, it is important to remember that:

“this virus is not a punishment. It is an opportunity for much growth, rebalancing, and change. If you are feeling fear, sit with your fear. Acknowledge it. Reassure it. Thank it for loving you so much it wishes to keep you safe. Then lovingly take the reins from it as your own empowered parent and guide. The virus will last exactly as long as required to facilitate the opportunities for change and not one moment longer. Allow the corona virus to lead you fully into your sovereignty as an empowered co-creator.” (Archangel Gabriel, through Shelley Young of Trinity Esoterics)

As we go on a deeper journey in sacred space, we have the opportunity to rethink our individual and societal lifestyle and reevaluate the quality of our life from so many perspectives: the level of business and the way we relate to our loved ones and ourselves. We are also seeing signs of new and compassionate leadership, the seeds of universal health care, a greater home/work balance, the opportunity to work from home, the seeds of basic income to meet the needs of the people, all coming to the forefront. Here in Canada, the federal government is investing billions of dollars to secure our safety and well-being. This is wonderful news!

Social distancing is inviting us to feel out and re-evaluate the boundaries that structure our relationships with everyone. What is safe social distance will naturally be a reflection of recommended protocols, individual preferences, values and comfort levels, which realistically can shift and change day to day. There is a fascinating parallel between the new practice of social distancing and the movement of Saturn, which has just today ingressed into the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is the sign of discovery, invention as well as individual freedom in balance with collective consciousness. This year will mark the beginning of many breakthroughs in technology, which will also spark new discussions about the role of technology in our lives. Much more to come on that subject!

The Spring Equinox and the first New Moon in spring always indicate a global awakening and massive rush of new energy after a long winter. We have a new Moon in the cardinal fire sign of Aries, on March 24th. I have noticed many people getting more fired up lately. The fact that Mars, the cosmic Warrior is also tightly conjunct Jupiter and Pluto the last week or so is adding a tremendous amount of fuel to this mix. We will likely experience very sudden, intense and explosive events anywhere in the world as the collective pressure boils over. Cardinal signs like Aries and Capricorn are wired in such a way that they need action to stay happy. They need to rev their engines and push the pedal to the metal and burn some rubber. Can you feel that? Let’s be very aware of the anger and volatility in the air, but also cognizant of the gift, which is an increase in life force vitality. The challenge is channeling the “wild horse” energy constructively and consciously. Combined with the responsibility, ambition and resolve of Capricorn, this New Moon can inspire many of us to rise up to the challenges related to these times and begin to implement new solutions, and create new pathways, new thinking, new structures, a whole new paradigm that will replace archaic, non-sustainable and corrupt systems of power. It is very ok to feel excitement about the future. Fear and excitement have a similar vibration.

This spring will be a time to express our fierce love from the embodied, grounded, spiritual warrior. The New Moon chart of March 24th also features the Sun and Moon conjunct Chiron in Aries. Chiron represents the archetype of the wounded healer. We are in a healing crisis. The Stars are impelling us to channel the strongest, most courageous Warrior, Leader and Pioneer archetypes in the personal and collective consciousness at this time. This is a sacred opportunity to shake off the rust in our armor, transform the lead of disillusionment into the gold of realization and boldly declare to the multiverse that we have the right to exist and thrive. It is time that we rise up together, united, in our heart, mind, body and spirit as one humanity.

This New Moon in Aries is lighting a new fire in our spirit that is inspiring us to take the next steps in our evolutionary journey! It is time to have a deeper conversation with our fears, learn from them and transmute them into courageous action that is in alignment with our soul purpose. The world needs all of us to shine our best light and express our deepest truth. We are called to release self-imposed limitations of what our highest potentials could be. Know and trust that we all have something unique to share with the world because every person has a unique vibration, incomparable style and perspectives, and a soul wisdom that will attract others that resonate on a similar frequency. We are embarking on a new journey every day. Some days we may take a small step while other days involve taking a huge leap of faith. It is exciting to feel the momentum and the support from friends, family and the universe, like gentle cosmic winds and an inner voice that says: you/we can do this!

One final point is the notion of safety, which is probably the strongest instinct in the world right now. We all want to feel safe, secure, stable, cozy, comforted, loved and nurtured, right? I learned from Matt Kahn that cultivating a sense of deep safety ensures our liberation and connection with Source. When we allow ourselves to feel any emotion from fear to anger or sadness, it confirms that we are safe enough to explore every life experience from a place of trust. As was stated at the beginning of this post, it is important to stay grounded in the body, as we ride all the waves of feeling that rise up in us and then watch them recede to calm waters again. Actually, the conscious expression of these emotional experiences is significant soul work on a deep level when you realize that we are simultaneously “transmuting unresolved feelings in the collective consciousness of the world that you incarnated into to help transform.” When you can glimpse life with this perspective, “instead of a person contemplating the universe, you are a universe contemplating the experience of being human.” (Matt Kahn, Finding Safety) I love this!

Astrologers have written so much about the importance of Capricorn and rightfully so, but it is vital to remember that Capricorn is always in energetic polarity to Cancer on the Zodiac wheel. Furthermore, the ever important Lunar Nodes: South Node of the Moon in Capricorn (our collective past) and North Node of the Moon in Cancer (our collective evolutionary future) also known as the Dragon’s Tail & Dragon’s Head in Vedic Astrology, have been travelling through Cancer and Capricorn from the fall of 2018 to May 2020. This period is about deepening our individual and collective sense of safety, home, family, comfort and connection at the deepest roots of humanity. From this strong and rich inner foundation, we can build a bright and glorious future, together.

Thank you to the Stars, Pam Gregory, Trinity Esoterics, Lee Harris and Matt Kahn for many insights! I am available for readings online or by phone anytime! Message or text me at 705.918.4441.

I am thrilled to announce two new Insight Astrology events: 1. Introduction to Evolutionary Astrology workshop on April 19th. 2. Launching my new 8-week Astrology Course: Evolutionary Astrology-Journey of Awakening and Empowerment, later in May. These events will happen in person in Sudbury or online, if need be.

With blessings of Joy, Peace, Light & Love Richard 🙏🧡💚🙏



©2021 Richard Malette Astrology. All Rights Reserved.

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