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Star Notes - August 15, 2022: The Waves of Possibilities

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

Hey Star Tribe, ✨☀️✨

I just came back from a fantastic vacation with my family and close friends. It was one of the most magical weeks of my entire life and I feel very blessed and healed from the experience. I hope that you have all enjoyed some magic as well this summer! Here is a little reflection on the cosmic currents flowing at this time. Sending deep gratitude for connecting with me here and special shout out to my supporters on Patreon! Your kind support helps to sustain me on my professional path.

Last week’s bright and energetic Full Moon in Aquarius was the peak wave of the lunar cycle that began with the New Moon in Leo in late July. We are still flowing with the joyful energetics of Leo until August 22/23. Leo season offers us a fantastic opportunity to reconnect with the pure innocence and joy of the Divine Child as well as the regal and dignified Lion within all of us.

The Full Moon in Aquarius is always in geometrical opposition and powerful connection with Leo. Aquarius reminds us to honor and celebrate our unique individuality, and share our most sincere and authentic thoughts, ideas, desires and feelings. We can best express our Aquarian mind when we center in our heart, which is the domain of Leo.

The Water-Bearer symbolizes the human impulse to be as free and independent as possible while maintaining strong relationships of mutual support with everyone in the community as well as the global family. The Leo-Aquarius axis represents the power of Me & We, connecting together as one heart, one mind, one love. As individuals, we sometimes need to break away from the group consciousness and take some time to just hang out in our personal space. The Full Moon of August 11th was also conjunct Saturn, which emphasized this need for a little sacred solitude to ground with the Earth and collect our thoughts.

My family group and I spent some time at a cottage close to a large lake just before and after the Full Moon. It was particularly windy that day. There were very few people on the beach and I was able to sit quietly on the sand for a while and commune with the power of the wind and waves. As I was contemplating the endless waves crashing onto the shore, I received a transmission that I felt called to share with you. Aquarius and Uranus both connect to the symbolism of strong waves of energy, which are circulating strongly in the collective consciousness lately. For many weeks now, Uranus has been aligned with the North Node, our evolutionary future path. The Universe is reminding us to embrace these powerful currents of energy that are designed to create new pathways and carry us to new experiences and infinite possibilities beyond what we can see or imagine. Ultimately, Uranus conjunct the North Node represents freedom from the known, which is the title of a classic book on Uranus written by Jeffrey Wolf Green. To grow and evolve, we must open up energetically and trust these new future possibilities.

As we embrace these new waves of change, we allow the core structures of our lives (Saturn) to evolve and create new and better forms, whether it be new family structures, new professional service work, new education or healing practices. When we open to change we naturally open to the frequency of love. "Love is essential to the Shift because love is the energy of Source. It is moving back to your divine essence, your true roots, your authentic power centre. To love is to proceed and make decisions from your highest self. It connects, it includes, it inspires, it encourages, it accepts, it unifies, it harmonizes, it heals. It is heart-centered living that embraces and uplifts both the one and the all. To choose love is to anchor the energies of heaven on earth. Love is complex and multi-faceted, yet delightfully simple ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young. Thank you Shelley Young and Gabriel for your valuable and perfect messages! I invite everyone to check out to find out more about her wonderful healing services.

These are tumultuous times; let’s remember that we are never alone and to ask for help or support anytime. An astrological reading can be a very helpful, validating, comforting and insightful resource to support you in navigating any wild waves of change in your life. It is my deepest honor to serve as a gentle guide and reflect the healing wisdom of the Stars for you. I also offer weekly posts and podcasts that are very easy on the budget, through my Patreon membership. You can find all the details on the home page of this site!

Peace, love and cosmic blessings,

Richard ✨ 🙏



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