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STAR 🌟 NOTES - February 27, 2025

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

New Moon in Pisces * Bold New Vision

Dear Star Tribe,

Welcome to the super flowing energy of the New Moon in Pisces, exact on February 27, at 7:45 pm. This lunar cycle initiates a very potent and rare combination of Pisces energy involving the Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mercury, Neptune and the North Node of the Moon, all swimming in the deep and mysterious waters of the cosmic Fishes. In fact, the astrological alignments of this spring are incredibly rare and unprecedented in modern history. There is a LOT going on out there in the world as well as inside us. Let’s explore some of the most important themes. Thank you for joining me!

The universe is constantly communicating to us, sometimes in subtle ways and sometimes dramatically. Just today, (a day before the New Moon) a crew came to remove a gigantic snow bank in my driveway on this very bright and sunny morning. I also heard a chickadee outside my window for the first time in a while! Message? I feel a huge energetic clearing and a new song in my heart, despite the echoes of shock and confusion rippling feverishly in the geopolitical landscapes through mass media. The positive side to chaos is the opening to multidimensionality. There is no doubt that we live in trying times; but these challenges are pushing masses of people to reclaim their inner fire and soul power.

Clearly, our world is shifting massively and in unexpected, swift and shocking fashion, just like it always does in times of epic change. We are one planet but also 8 billion worlds, coexisting in increasingly different timelines, perpectives, consciousness and realities. What version of reality do you truly want to create from the truth of your heart and soul?

Pisces, Neptune and water energy teach us and remind us that we live in a vast, luminous, infinite universe that we can never fully understand using only the physical senses. In the highest truth that I know, this teaching is about remembering that, in our purest essence, we are celestial energy choosing to incarnate in a human physical form with a unique purpose. This alignment of so many planets in Pisces, especially with Neptune in exact conjunction with the North Node signals a time of profound spiritual rebirthing, cleansing, releasing and surrender in preparation for a new cycle of evolution that we have never experienced before. Neptune’s shift into Aries at the end of March also signifies the birth of a bold new vision for humanity in a rapidly evolving world, as we learn to become guardians for the energy of possibility as well as the guardians of our heart-centered divine spark.

This cosmic deluge of Piscean water energy can heighten and stimulate our emotional receptivity. We can feel lost and overwhelmed in certain moments, which is when it is most important and useful to surrender to the flow of energy with less resistance and more trust and faith. We can correlate Neptune’s increased influence with a stronger dissolution of many systems and structures that define 3D reality as we now know it. There could also be more actual flooding in certain areas that require a strong water cleansing.

The ocean calls us to spend more time in, on and around water to better appreciate and understand the role and mystical power of the seas. Some friends of mine are actually planning to sail across the Atlantic in support of a new profound calling to embark on a spiritual pilgrimage later this year. In truth, we are all being pulled forward into unchartered territory. May we journey together with care and deep compassion.

Let’s take a moment to explore the significance of Mars which just went stationary direct on February 24th, at 17 degrees of Cancer, forming a smooth trine aspect with many planets in this New Moon sky. Mars is also considered out of bounds for many weeks as it moves through space farther out from the normal limit along the ecliptic, and closer to Earth. I have enjoyed seeing rusty Mars easier lately and have been able to see Venus, Jupiter and Mars in quite a straight line for many weeks now. This is part of the amazing rare alignments of this year.

Mars represents the inner Warrior, Leader and Pioneer within the human psyche, and it has been vibrating very strongly since its retrograde a couple of months ago that also coincides with a geometric opposition to Pluto 3 times from the fall of 2024 to April 2025. We are seeing and feeling a huge rise in the fire of anger. Anger is normal and natural and cannot be suppressed for long; it will erupt in some way. It is is here for us to use consciously as a catalyst for courageous growth and authentic self-expression. This strong Mars can inspire us to release attachments to victim consciousness and boost our feeling of self-empowerment, to come out and show up more passionately in our authentic self more often.

We can also feel the intense energy reflected in the political, economic and military battles around the world. No matter what is going on in the world, Pisces calls us to slow down, relax and enjoy more down time. This time of year is always an opportunity to consciously tune out the discordant noise of the mundane world and give ourselves more time to tune in to the gentler and harmonious rhythms of our soul and spiritual self. Pisces time naturally increases our intuition, boosts our creative imagination as well as our capacity to dream and envision new future realities. I am definitely dreaming and imagining a lot more recently. Have you? This New Moon invites us to embody more gentleness, compassion and love, spending quality time in sacred spaces and connection with our loved ones and soul family.

The other mega influence in this New Moon cycle is Jupiter in Gemini, which forms a strong square aspect with the Sun and Moon in Pisces. Jupiter is sending an abundance of messages and information from many different places and perspectives. Let’s be open to receive messages that come spontaneously anywhere at anytime, and may we honor the creative manifestation potential of this New Moon to express and verbalise what we truly think and feel at this time. Jupiter in Gemini stimulates us to tell new stories and allow more lightness, joy and playfulness in everything we do and say.

Voilà! There is always so much more to explore, and I invite you to reach out if you would like some personalized astrological guidance in a reading to boost your self knowledge, self love and soul purpose.

Cosmic blessings,

Richard 💙



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