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STAR NOTES ✨ January 25, 2024

Updated: Jan 26

Full Moon in Leo - Step into the Light

Dear star friends, Salut! ✨

Welcome to the powerful radiance of the Full Moon in Leo reflecting the cosmic light of the Sun that has now shifted into Aquarius. This culminating lunar cycle invites us to relax, release old stories, and embrace the divine light of truth and joy that shines brightly within all of us. Thank you for joining me!

When the Sun zooms through space in Aquarius from January 20 to February 19, the Full Moon always happens in the sign of Leo, the great Lion. Essentially, this alignment awakens a need for more coherence and harmony between the mind (Aquarius) and the heart (Leo). Being able to create peace and harmony at any time is our superpower. “When you can harmonize energy in yourself and for others, you are actually doing a great service of freeing consciousness back to the template of oneness on Earth.” (Lee Harris) The Sun’s entry into Aquarius increases the power of the Air element, which reminds us to breathe deeper and stimulate the flow of oxygen to nourish all the energy systems in our body.

In this lunar brilliance, with the Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius, there is more light shining on what was hiding in the shadows for a long time. A greater number of people than ever before are awakening to realize a higher truth. As lord of the underworld, Pluto can reveal intense shadow aspects of life that normally remain in the collective unconscious. In its higher expressions, Pluto can also trigger a deep urge for regeneration, transformation, and rebirthing a new passionate soul-led version of ourselves.

In evolutionary astrology, Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, which symbolizes freedom, independence, revolution, innovation, radical individuation and personal sovereignty. Just 2 days after this Full Moon, on January 27, Uranus will station and begin direct motion after a long retrograde period. All the major planets are now moving forward from our Earth based perspective, which is one of the many reasons why the energies are flowing so rapidly, and twisting, changing and zigzagging so wildly.  “The time is now to release anything that is keeping you from shining as your most glorious self.” Archangel Gabriel, through Shelley Young.

Many seers, teachers and intuitives are saying that 2024 is a powerful year of transition and radical breakthrough. Our individual and collective power is growing! Can you feel it? Like the Phoenix, humanity is rising into a higher frequency as greater numbers of people bust out of limited thinking, roles, boxes, beliefs and programming. Of course, this is not a smooth process; many are busting out angrily and aggressively. The combined synergy of a strong Uranus with a strong Pluto stimulates a force that can surge violently, suddenly and unexpectedly, like earthquakes and energetic storms that ripple though our social, financial, political and cultural landscapes this year.

Jupiter in Taurus is forming a close square aspect with the Moon, Sun and Pluto at this time, which magnifies and expands the vibrancy of this Full Moon. As the sign of the grounded, peaceful, practical Bull and Buddha of the Zodiac, Taurus reminds us to stay focussed on the here and now, and practice basic calming and breathing techniques. Cultivating self-awareness, mindfulness and peaceful presence are vitally important resources that will help us move forward in these times of radical change.

2024 is also the peak year in the 11-year solar flare cycle, which has fascinating correlations with times of intensity on the planet in very predictable patterns. All these celestial rhythms can help us understand and embrace this influx of light. Metaphysically and spiritually, light represents galactic information and intelligence that activates and nourishes codes of consciousness stored deep in our DNA. May this Full Moon inspired you to dance, play, express and celebrate this new light activation.

The expression of joy, light, beauty and artistic creation is more important than ever before because people need to feel the opposite of fear, pain, darkness, doubt and division, which have been tightly woven into the fabric of political and corporate arenas of control for too long. Isn’t it time for humanity to rise stronger and have a greater impact on the shaping of world events? It only takes 25% of the population that is awake to create massive ripple shifts of change.

“We have to start being a guardian of the light, joy and heart in ourselves as we navigate these tumultuous times. We can only be a good and strong lighthouse for others if we work out how to create and contain light inside ourselves.” (Lee Harris)

Let’s honor and celebrate the first Full Moon of 2024 with a bright and loving intention. “The endless shifting, the releasing, the integrating, the healing – all of it was leading you to this right now moment. There is nothing holding you back now. We urge you to be light, to enjoy, move with the flow and be open to receive, and allow yourselves to be more authentically you than you have ever been, for that is exactly how you, and the world, get to experience the magic and wonder of you.” ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

On a personal note, it is amazing to see many people reaching out for astrological guidance. Astrology is my deepest soul passion, and it is a joy and true honor to provide this service. I am available for consultations every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, in person or on Zoom. I offer readings, classes and podcasts that are available through my Patreon membership. I am also thrilled to announce the launch of my new online 8-week Level 1 course: Journey of Self-Discovery & Empowerment that begins on Tuesday, March 5th.

Bright blessings,

Richard 🙏 ✨

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