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STAR NOTES 🌟 July 22, 2024

Epic Cosmic Shifts

Dear star friends, ✨

Welcome to the wild and transformative light of the recent Full Moon in Capricorn and the powerful energies of late July 2024. Thank you for tuning in. I hope you enjoy these cosmic reflections. Take some nice deep breaths and feel into your own intuitive truth as we explore these themes. Where in your own life are you feeling strong sparks of change, renewal and transformation?

Let’s begin with the powerful conjunction of Mars and Uranus that happened on July 15 but has been rippling energetically for many days leading up to the Full Moon of July 21. Mars is the planet of bold actions, assertiveness, confidence, and aggression if it is expressed from a shadow or wounded place.  Uranus is the symbol of revolution, awakening, storms and earthquakes. You can see how this alignment can signal a time of radical changes and sudden, unexpected, surprising, shocking and dramatic events anywhere in the world.

This conjunction happens every 2 years and can be expressed in so many different ways, personally and collectively, but it is certainly connected to the recent shockwaves in the political structures and the social and psychological fabric of American society. The USA is still experiencing its Pluto return; which represents the culmination of a 250 year cycle of transformation related to themes of power and purpose.

In this second Full Moon in Capricorn in a row, akin to a blue moon, the Sun was shining at 29° of Cancer, illuminating where we feel the need to reclaim some space for radical nurturing. This Full Moon phase, which lasts for a few days, is a fantastic opportunity to review our self love practices and develop a new relationship with what truly nourishes us, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

All Full Moons represent a time of culmination, release and transition but this Full Moon illuminating 29° of Capricorn is particularly significant because this important last degree of the zodiac represents the final part of a long cycle and a powerful rebirth into a new energy. This magical Full Moon was in close alignment with Pluto, lord of the underworld, death and rebirth, which emphasizes deep and powerful expressions of emotional security. The universe is asking us what to keep and safeguard, what to recycle, compost or give away, and what to release permanently.

Pluto is at 0° of Aquarius, which stimulates new ideas, new intellectual perspectives, thinking outside the box, and a new focus on humanitarian concerns. This Full Moon is bringing our attention to the epic shift between 29° of Capricorn and 0° of Aquarius. Later this fall, Pluto will retrograde back and forth between these 2 points in space and highlight these themes of radical endings of old cycles of power and new beginnings. The second half of 2024 represents an epic turning point in global evolution and individual empowerment.

This Full Moon sky shines a bright light on the complex depths of Capricorn, which is about understanding our core duties and responsibilities. The mysterious Sea-Goat connects us to our deep inner wisdom, mindfulness and mastery on the physical plane, and guides us to honour sacred boundaries. With Pluto so strongly wired to the Moon and the Sun at this time, it is a great time to check-in with ourselves and have a deep look at our deepest soul-level integrity and the motivations that drive our soul purpose. To what extent is our current life path in alignment with our soul truth? How can we restructure our home life (Cancer) and public service life (Capricorn) in ways that feel right in our body and in our heart?

Let’s come back to the power and significance of 29°. The Sun was at 29° of Cancer, the Moon was at 29° of Capricorn and Neptune is at 29° of Pisces. So Neptune’s influence is also very strong. It can be easy to get tripped up or triggered by dramatic events happening in the world; however, Neptune reminds us that the non-physical reality is just as important as the physical. This Full Moon’s impulse towards creating healthy boundaries can support our spiritual journeys. How can you lean more into faith, trust, surrender and flow?

Today, on July 22, one day after the Full Moon, the Sun has shifted into Leo opposite Pluto and the Moon is in Aquarius, which represents another massive shift in cosmic energy! It is now time to feel the power of our heart center (Leo) and energize the warm fire of self love, playfulness and inner majesty. Celebrate the beautiful and powerful light inside you and everyone, and enjoy the magic of the now in every moment.

Shine on dear friends!

Love and light,

Richard ☀️

PS: If you live in the Greater Sudbury area, I invite you to some great new events that I am delighted to participate in! Please contact me for more details.

  • Release and Reclaim your Magic: a trio of services (Astrology, EFT Tapping and  Aroma Massage) @ the Tree of Life North, August 12, 5-8 pm

  • Metaphysical Sampler & Holistic Market Fair: August 25, 11-4 pm. This is an outdoor event at 1375 Regent South, in Sudbury,

  • I am always available for in-person and Zoom readings! Check out my webpage for all details.

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