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STAR 🌟 NOTES October 2, 2024

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra - Learning to Fly

Star friends,✨ ♎️

Bonjour! Welcome to eclipse season, part 2! On October 2 at 2:49 pm ET we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse that features the Sun, Moon and Black Moon Lilith at 10º of Libra. Mercury is very closely aligned as well. I feel that the last lunar eclipse in Pisces in mid-September was a deep lesson in letting go and learning to flow, while this New Moon eclipse in Libra is all about learning to fly. Thank you for joining me to glean some insight on the cosmic currents flowing in late September and early October. I invite you to unwind for a moment, breathe deeply and take some time to reflect on the messages that have a special resonance for you.

This second eclipse invites us to connect with the magic of the Air element, open our mind, spread our wings and soar gracefully into the skies of higher consciousness. We can truly see and feel the soothing beauty and peace of Libra near sunset time, especially. Aries contains the power of sunrise while Libra reflects the magic of sunsets, which have a universal effect on all beings, signalling a time of pause, contemplation, recalibration and synchronisation with the sky, the earth, our mind and body. When the Sun gracefully merges with the horizon, it creates a cascade of colours that is truly enchanting, delightful and healing for the soul.

Have you noticed a new or different quality in the colour, energy and warmth of the sun in recent months? Everyone feels, interprets and expresses this cosmic light in unique ways as individual souls. There is a powerful connection between light and truth. Feel the truth that comes to light for you in ways that feel right and make sense at this time in your journey. “All colours and perspectives in the rainbow of truth and consciousness are valid and beautiful in their own way. Focus on the colour that allows you to feel your power and what brings you happiness and joy.” ~ Cindy, aka LadyoftheForest444 (and) Outofthisworld55 on YouTube.

Libra initiates the new autumn season here in the northern hemisphere, which inspires us to slow down, pause, calm down and mindfully appreciate the exquisite beauty of nature. This beauty and the pleasant temperatures beckon us to spend quality time outdoors, to simply relax and simply be. Libra reminds us that we need more gentle chill time after the busy hustle bustle of Virgo season. On a deeper, spiritual level, Libra and Venus, its planetary ruler, teach us that deep relaxation implies a deep trust, faith and surrender into the flow of life. What do you do instinctively to relax, unwind and refresh yourself? What brings you back to the serenity of inner equilibrium?

As a Cardinal sign, Libra can initiate actions that create more peace and harmony within and around us. It is necessary to embody more peace and harmony to counterbalance the strong vibrations of fear and violence that are constantly broadcasted through mass media. This New Moon eclipse in Libra is a powerful opportunity to courageously re-energize and reseed the frequency of peace, love, calm, relaxation and compassionate presence in the world. As you read this, please take a moment to breathe in soothing energies for yourself, smile and send beautiful love waves around the world, deep into mother Earth and the universe. Remember that the Stars are in our nature!

Set strong intentions for the next month, especially relative to the areas of your birthchart that are stimulated by 5º to 15º of Libra, as well as Aries, Cancer and Capricorn. Even though this eclipse is conjunct the South Node of the Moon, which emphasizes endings, there are still plenty of energies that are ready to bloom and blossom in your life. Every intention is like a paintbrush on the canvas of infinite creative possibilities. Eclipse portals are very unpredictable and can be full of surprises. No matter what unfolds in your life, redirect your focus toward light, joy and the sacred as much as you can.

This New Moon eclipse in Libra shines a special light on the quality and love flowing through all our relationships, which begins with our most fundamental relationship with self. When we feel grounded and deeply connected with self, there is a greater vibrational harmony within our personal energy field, which then automatically enhances all our relationships. Libra inspires us to rebalance our divine feminine and divine masculine to feel empowered and graceful.

Astrology and my spiritual journey have taught me that our connections ripple out infinitely through the multiverse. May this New Moon inspire you to feel a deeper connection with your body, the Earth, all beings on the planet including elementals and multidimensional spirit guides. I am so grateful for this insight that reminds that we can never be alone. We live in relationship always and are always all one.

Libra also has a powerful instinct for creative and artistic self-expression. I have observed through my astrological practice that many people don’t think they are artistic. This seems to be a deeply ingrained program that we need to change because Venus is the universal teacher of creative expression, and is in everyone’s birthchart. If you know your chart, tap into your unique inner Venus placement as well as the house that is activated by this New Moon eclipse. Photography, writing, dancing, fashion, music, painting, knitting, cooking, organizing, decorating, gardening, cleaning, walking, running, playing and smiling are all expressive energy. The way you live your life every day reflects your natural inner Artist. Let it shine bright!

As mentioned at the start of this post, Mercury is strong in this New Moon sky. Since it is aligned with the South Node, which represents the soul’s past, we may be able to access or remember events from our past and even our past lives that are relevant and offer new opportunities to bring a new healing awareness to repeating patterns in our life.

This potent eclipse sky also contains a beneficially significant configuration called a Grand Water Trine that connects Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces. This Water magic is very supportive in our emotional healing and can infuse more tenderness and compassion in all our relations.


I am delighted to be one of the practitioners in the Self Love Event happening in Sudbury on Sunday, October 20. Receive some healing Reiki + a Foot Reflexology massage + a personal astrology reading with a focus on enhancing self love! Contact me or visit the event page on FB for more details.

If you truly value these Star Notes, I invite you to join my Patreon community in which I share all that I create including occasional podcasts and videos. My dear Patrons also receive a discount on any astrology reading and any course or workshop with me.

Big love,

Richard 🙏✨



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