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The Alchemical Fire of Rebirth

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

Dear friends, Chers amis: I believe that we are just passing through the most emotionally challenging period of the year and are beginning to see the first glimmers of light at the end of the tunnel as we begin to transition out of the energies of 2020 and into the new landscapes of 2021. I invite you all to take some nice deep breaths, get comfortable and enjoy reading this exploration of some astrological insights gleaned over the last few weeks. Thank you for journeying with me.

If you follow me regularly, you know that I often see symbolic imagery when I contemplate the meaning of a New or Full Moon. The first image that emerged in my awareness is the Raven. A few days before last weekend’s New Moon in Scorpio (November 15), I went hiking and as soon as I arrived at the summit, I saw three ravens flying nearby. I love ravens very much and while I thanked them for the gift of their presence, one of then flew in front of me and demonstrated some dazzling acrobatic manoeuvres that I had never seen before. It drew its wings close and did a complete pirouette in the air. Before I could say ‘wow’, it did again twice more! Even though I feel quite drawn to raven as a spirit guide, I knew it had an important message for all us.

In many traditions, Raven symbolizes mystery, synchronicity, trickster, healing, sovereignty, transformation, rebirth and profound changes in consciousness. When it appears, Raven casts light into the darkness, and magic is imminent and possible. There are numerous mythological stories involving this majestic bird. My favourite one is ‘Raven Steals The Light’. Have you heard it? In the beginning of time, there was only darkness and an old man who lived with his daughter in a house by the bank of a river. He had taken the light of the universe and kept it in a super tiny box inside many other boxes. When Raven got wind of this, he knew what he had to do. He went to the river bank and transformed himself into a single hemlock needle just before the daughter slipped her basket in the water. Raven used his magic to get her to drink the water and then he transformed into a tiny human inside her. Some time later, he emerged as a boy-child. The father was quite upset at first, but came to love this strange new member of his family. Raven cajoled him into seeing all the boxes until, finally, he saw a shimmer of light in the smallest box. When the old man tossed the ball of light to the boy, Raven transformed himself into his full bird form, grabbed the light and flew out of the smoke-hole of the house and into the great darkness of the world. Raven placed the Sun, Moon and stars in the sky. The old man saw that his daughter was as beautiful as the fronds of a hemlock at sunrise and he was happy! In some versions of the story, Raven had all white feathers which turned black as he carried the fire of the sun through the sky. Do you resonate with this myth as much as I do these days?

The Scorpio time of year is always a period in which darkness reigns supreme here in the northern latitudes, but it seems much heavier this year. In fact, it feels like humanity is experiencing a collective dark night of the soul. This is a truly painful phase of life but is absolutely vital in the transformation process, which could very well be the most powerful evolutionary shift we will ever experience. We have to heal and reintegrate the shadow aspects within all of us. “Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.” (Carl Jung) We are in this darkness together, and together we will bring the light of hope through this death and rebirth process into a new era. Often in our darkest hours, the brightest light begins to dawn. Just like magical Raven, we are the Bringers of the Dawn and we are seeding a new consciousness on planet Earth. I feel like that New Moon was perhaps the strongest seed moment of the whole year. Can you feel the magnitude of this moment in time?

Scorpio is a fixed water sign. It can appear calm on the surface but “still waters run very deep”. The other image I see in relationship to this New Supermoon is a gigantic cauldron of boiling water above a roaring fire. Scorpio is ruled by Mars (traditionally) and Pluto (modern ruler), which are the 2 most intense planetary energies in our solar system. The cosmic Warrior (Mars) and the Lord of the Underworld (Pluto) have been reverberating strongly in the collective atmosphere and creating a very intense emotional frequency most of the year. After 2 months of retrograde motion, Mars has just resumed direct course in the fiery sign of Aries. This fire symbolized by Mars in Aries has been roaring hot since July and will continue to burn until early January. A vast quantity of suppressed anger and painful emotions is being stirred up from the bottom of

our collective unconscious and is bubbling up to the surface in order to be seen, heard, felt, healed and released. Nothing occurs by accident in the world. I see these intense eruptions of ancient emotions coming down to earth and becoming compost for the birth of a new Earth. Energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed.

This week, I noticed another amazing display of true cosmic synchronicity. Just 3 days after Mars resumed Direct motion, Space X launched its first operational flight to the International Space Station! Since Mars is slowly resuming its course in Aries, the sacred Warrior within us is rising once more. I see that it is still weary, but wiser, more patient and more clearly aligned with the soul’s authentic drives and inner calling. I also read that new, home-based businesses are on the rise! The lockdowns and employment losses have created new opportunities for many people to reconnect with their passions and create their dream job. The forced re-evaluation of work, service and employment is one of the many gifts of 2020.

Mercury also came out of retrograde recently and is spending a longer than usual time in the sign of Scorpio, which reflects a particularly emotional quality to our collective thought process and communication drives. In his November Energy Update, Matt Kahn addresses this effect on our throat chakra as humanity is learning to shift from a mind-based identity to heart-based awareness. “Currently, humanity is at a crucial midpoint in this shift, where the midpoint between the mind and heart is the throat. As the throat chakra opens in consciousness, it initially empties all the suppressed emotional density stored from past wounds, along with the words and feelings never shared with those who hurt us the most. As the collective throat chakra heals and stabilizes, our depth of expression can be used in its most conscious and constructive manner as the voice of the heart.”

One of the most tragic effects of the pandemic and the intense energies of this year is the sharp rise of mental health challenges and suicides. On some level, every being on the planet, myself included, has struggled or is struggling to keep it together. What helps me is prayer and breathing through the heart. It is more important than ever to ask for support and healing from any trusted source including the angelic realms who always live in our heart. In the words of Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young, “the mind gets anxious when it doesn’t have the guidance of the heart.” “With virus numbers spiking in many states and countries, and mental illness showcasing the aggressive side of unprocessed pain, it is truly a time in history to hunker down, nestle in, and anchor the light that helps humanity heal by how deeply we make peace with the nature of uncertainty.” (Matt Kahn) Because Mercury in Scorpio can feel thoughts extremely powerfully, we could benefit from reprogramming our mind with soothing mantras such as “I don’t have to know where life is headed to know I AM supported.” When the mind becomes the employee of the heart, we learn to trust the clear intelligence, truth and knowing that simply feels right in our bodies.

As we go through this phase of profound emotional purging through the alchemical fires of rebirth, the universe is inviting us to feel deeply into the volcano of strength inside our being. We are called to reintegrate our inner Shaman and Medicine Woman through intention, ritual, and creating sacred space within our energy field. We are reclaiming the ancient, galactic wisdom that is stored in our DNA. “The more you make room to connect with your inner wisdom and allow yourself to follow its guidance, the more confident and competent you will feel, and you will finally give yourself permission to live your life authentically.” Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young.

The more we cultivate inner peace and hold sacred space for love and safety within, the more we will be able to extend olive branches around us and create a network of healing and unification around the planet. What sacred vision do you hold for the Earth’s transformation? Please feel very free to share any comment, feeling or healing vision. Thank you for shining your magical light. I will be sending out a brand new newsletter with many announcements. Please visit my website and sign up!

With love and sacred light, Richard



©2021 Richard Malette Astrology. All Rights Reserved.

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