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The Genius of Aquarius & the Wild Winds of Change

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

Hello everyone! Salut tout le monde! Namaste. 💜 It feels so good to connect with all of you again! Even though I haven’t posted in a month, I have been reflecting a great deal about life and have collected many notes. Warm shout-out to all astrologers who commit to writing or making videos on a regular basis. Mon chapeau! In true Aquarian fashion, I am allowing myself to post when I feel I am ready, following my own inner rhythm. I do love the creative challenge of writing and want to honor the process from start to finish. I hope you enjoy these fresh perspectives!

While walking in the forest the other day, feeling the wet snow coming down from the sky, I thought of Aquarius, the Water Bearer, pouring water down to the world from the heavens. This cosmic water represents an access to universal intelligence, new knowledge and wisdom that can nourish and stimulate the mind of humanity, like divine pixie dust awakening us to greater consciousness.

Since the first New Moon of 2020, which occurred on January 24th, we have seen an acceleration of energy propelling us much faster, especially since it happened in Aquarius, which is naturally a very yang, dynamic, electric, exciting and forward moving energy. Aquarius is the archetypal Genius, Rebel and Free Spirit within the human psyche. If you look at the Zodiac as a cycle, the shift from Capricorn to Aquarius is a movement away from the cool, practical and serious energy of Earth to the social and technicolor mental circuitry of Air. This boost of Aquarian energy can be subtle or quite drastic, depending on many factors in your Birthchart. Do you feel an increase of voltage in your electro-magnetic circuitry in the last week or so?

The pure Aquarian mind is brilliant and powerful. Consider the potency of these lyrics: “Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.” I always think of the great Bob Marley and this Redemption Song, when I look for a model of the strongest qualities of Aquarius. The cosmic Water Bearer inspires all of us to tap into and express the unique genius that lives within every woman, man and child. I believe that every person has a special talent and role to play in the world. What happens all too often is that society conditions us to believe we are limited in our actions and must conform to conventional life pathways and employment opportunities that are dictated by corporations, governments and educational institutions that don’t always function with compassion or respect for individual free will. I have been holding a vision where there would be astrologers and other consciousness expanding practitioners in every learning center around the world. Imagine that! I believe that it is increasingly necessary that we free our minds and allow ourselves the liberty to think outside the box in all aspects of our personal and collective life. What do you think? I always welcome your ideas and comments. What vision do you hold for an ideal world?

It has been said that the only constant in the universe is change. In my own experience, I have learned that we can resist change only for so long. Just two days ago, my daughter and I re-arranged all the furniture in my apartment in a spontaneous flurry of activity. We had talked about making changes for months and then boom, it just happened. It feels fresh and exciting. Uranus, modern planetary ruler of Aquarius, is the cosmic guide of freedom, innovation and a powerful evolutionary force. In last week’s New Moon chart, Uranus was in a tight square aspect to the Sun and Moon, triggering massive waves of change in the global atmosphere. We may or may not feel like we are ready, but the waves are here and the only thing we need to do is take deep breaths and trust the purpose of the waves and storms around us, even though we don’t always understand them. I trust that humanity is learning to become better surfers of change, allowing the energy to flow with us, and take us to new places in our minds, bodies, hearts and spirits, places that we may not have even imagined! True freedom is: Freedom from the known, which interestingly is the title of a book on Uranus by Jeffrey Wolf Green, and also a book by Jiddu Krishnamurti, a brilliant Indian Philosopher.

Aquarius and Uranus remind us to celebrate the fact that every one of us is a totally unique individual, just like snowflakes are never exactly the same, yet come down from the same sky. We are united in our diversity. I can hear the snowflakes saying: “be yourself, be different, be innovative, be authentic, say no to blind conformity and conventionality. There is no such thing as a perfectly right or wrong answer; there is only your answer! Allow yourself to change your routine, your look, your hobbies, your playlist.” Thanks to a friend I just discovered a fantastic new band that I absolutely love and I turned him on to some new music as well. When we come together and share our unique talents and abilities in creative collaboration and humanitarian compassion and solidarity, we will always overcome any challenge that comes our way. I have heard reports from people in Australia, flabbergasted by the outpouring of loving support.

Necessity is the mother of invention. Just like Aries is the inner warrior who rises within us with incredible strength and courage when required, Aquarius represents a creative inner genius that we can express exactly when we need it most.

“These are truly wondrous times because when you are working from the empowered space that is beyond any self imposed limitations, the most amazing things become possible.” ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young, Trinity Esoterics.

I would like to add a few insights I gleaned last month that I intended to post for the Full Moon in Cancer a few weeks ago, but are still relevant and important for most of 2020. I hope you enjoy these as well. Just before the Full Moon, I enjoyed a short hike in the forest, which is one of my most favourite things to do, as Nature is always enchanting to me. I came to a lookout point and then glimpsed a bird perched in a tree next to me. In the growing darkness of late afternoon light, I couldn’t make out what kind of bird it was, but I marveled at the peaceful strength of this winged friend, embracing the cold January wind. As it flew powerfully and gracefully away, the words ‘peace’ and ‘inner strength came into my mind as an excellent message to retain for this period of time. Merci cher oiseau!

Walking back down the trail, I contemplated the white snow in contrast with the deep browns of the trees and the dark evergreens. It reminded me of the Yin Yang symbol and its elegant, powerful wisdom. The symbolism of the dark reflected in the light and the light reflected in the dark is perfectly encapsulated by the natural opposition between Cancer and Capricorn. Capricorn represents that quiet strength of wintertime when the darkness envelops us while Cancer symbolizes summertime and the life-giving power of the bright, warm Sun.

In my last article posted on January 1st, I wrote about the cool, grounded, earthy qualities of Capricorn, which are going to be important navigational aids in helping to propel ourselves strongly and firmly forward into the energies of 2020. However, I strongly feel that we also need to embrace the gentle, loving and nurturing energies of Cancer in equal measure to Capricorn if we are to make this transition as successfully and as smoothly as possible.

The Cancer-Capricorn polarity is at the core of human consciousness because not only does it reflect the balance between the divine masculine/inner father and the divine feminine/inner mother, it also represents the fundamental desire for physical and emotional security. It seems like for a very long time, society has valued material security and the masculine values of career, ambition, power, and cold logic at the expense of the rich and deep feminine values related to home, family, feeling, nurturing and compassion. During my walk, I was visualizing this polarity like a gigantic teeter-totter. If you have an open heart, you know that this world has been out of balance for a long time.

I spent some time hugging a tree and it felt so good to allow my body to completely release any tension and surrender to the grounding strength of that tree to support me. The message I received is that we have come to a point in our collective journey where we need to more strongly embrace the healing magic of Universal Mother who lives within Gaia and in our heart. I keep getting this image of the Great Mother enveloping the world in a soft and beautiful blanket of pure love. In case you were wondering, I was born with the Moon in Cancer in the 7th house. There is so much heaviness in the world with the fires in Australia, political tensions in the US, Iran, Hong Kong, and now the coronavirus. We urgently need to shift our attention to safety, home, family, compassion and taking care of one another.

Well, it finally happened; Saturn and Pluto formed an exact conjunction in Capricorn in mid-January! So much has been written about this epic alignment that last occurred around 500 years ago. These energies hold a very powerful karmic rebalancing effect. We may see many experiences that will reflect accountability for past abuses of power, on so many levels. This is a time of massive shifting and transition; therefore, it won’t be surprising to see the crumbling of old structures that don’t function anymore, and that is a part of life. Empires begin, develop and fall apart, all the time. We are personally and collectively starting to build new structures that are meant to last for generations down the line.

Saturn connects to the Root Chakra of the Earth. Astrologer Gary Caton helped us to visualize a galactic Tree and feel our roots going deep, deep, all the way down to Pluto, Lord of the Underworld. We can always go on a meditation journey to connect with the planets as guides and guardians in support of our greatest expression and evolution. Thanks to new Nasa photos released in 2015, we can now see that Pluto has a heart! Do you see it in the attached photo? Perhaps the astrology of 2020 is about rebuilding the heart of humanity with a greater sense of unconditional love, compassion and acceptance.

Wishing you a beautiful and empowered February! Message me to book a personal astrology reading.

In joy, peace, light and love, Richard 🙏



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